세계 10대 도시철도 교통시스템 The 10 Longest Urban Metro Transit Systems in the World



Seoul Urban Metro Transit System




[서울지하철시스템 Seoul Urban Metro Transit System]

서울 지하철은 서울특별시 도시기반시설본부가 관리하는 도시 철도 노선, 즉 서울메트로, 서울도시철도공사, 서울시메트로9호선·서울9호선운영이 운영하는 구간만을 일컫는 것으로, 일부에서는 한국철도공사가 운영하는 과천선 · 분당선 · 일산선 등도 포함시키기도 하지만 각종 통계에서는 한국철도공사 구간은 서울특별시 도시기반시설본부가 관리하지 않기 때문에 포함하지 않는다. 참고로 서울 지하철 총 길이를 말할 때 흔히 사용되는 327.2km는 서울특별시 도시기반시설본부가 관리하는 노선만의 길이이다

서울 지하철에서 가장 긴 노선은 총 영업거리 60.2km의 서울 지하철 2호선이고, 가장 짧은 노선은 7.8km의 서울 지하철 1호선이다. wiki




세계에는 148개의 도시철도 교통시스템이 있으며

매일 540개의 노선 9000개의 역에서 1억5천만명의 승객을 실어나르고 있다.


100년의 역사를 가진 도시철도는 그간 눈부신 발전으로 해왔으면 역내 스크린도어 경우 1960년대 미국 피츠버그와 러시아 모스크바 도시철도에 최초로 설치되었다.


냉방 스크린도어는 1987년 싱가포르 지하철에 처음 사용되었는데 열대기후지역이기 때문이었다.


과거의 낮은 천정과 좁은 통로 그리고 인력 개찰시스템에서 현대의 도시철도시스템은 점차 승객 편의주의를 지향하는 안락함과 완전 자동화시스템으로 개선되어가고 있다.


한 예로 이제는 지하철에서도 와이파이와 스마트폰 사용이 가능하며 리얼타임으로 도착시간 등을 정확히 알 수 있다.  하지만 심도가 싶은 터널에서는 아직 기술적으로 미흡한 부분들이 있다.


현재 여러나라에서 무인 운행시스템을 적용하고 있으며 영국 런던 빅토리아 노선에 처음으로 채택되었다.


2020년에 개통예정인  카타르 도하 도시철도시스템과 하와이 호노룰루노선은 완전 자동 및 무인운전으로 운영되며 90초 내지는 2분 간격으로 차량이 운행될 예정이다.


현재 세계의 도시철도시스템 중 한국은 총연장 940km로 타국에 비하여 월등한 차이로 1위에 랭크되어 있다.


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Metro systems are vital circulatory systems for moving large numbers of residents, commuters and tourists around large cities.


Metros are mass-transit systems that are generally heavy rail lines that operate on their own rights-of-way, whether underground, at grade or on elevated viaducts. They are distinct from light-rail and commuter rail networks.


According to the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), the world's 148 metro systems carry, every day, more than 150 million passengers on 540 lines over 11,000 kilometers to and from 9,000 stations.


Since the earliest metro systems were built more than 100 years ago, there have been many advances in their design.


We will briefly recap a few of them.

In the 1960s, the St. Petersburg, Russia, subway was the first to introduce platform doors—that, is sliding glass doors at the edge of station platforms.


Since platform doors allow subway stations to be air-conditioned, they played a more crucial role in the Singapore metro, which opened in 1987.


"Singapore could not have an effective subway without platform doors" because of the city-state's tropical climate, says John Swanson, rail vehicle manager, central and western U.S. regions, Parsons Brinckerhoff Rail & Transit.


"Some cities are retrofitting platform doors, such as Copenhagen," explains Swanson. "The first London line with them, the Jubilee Line, opened in 1997.


They are now really a standard in the industry [for new metros]." The Honolulu rapid transit system, which will open in 2017, also will have them.


The older subways have a much different feel, with lower ceilings and narrower entryways.


"Recently built metros improve passenger flow by widening the ticket inspection areas and eliminating long passenger queues," adds Stuart Brunton, technical director of Parsons Brinckerhoff Rail & Transit.


"Newer stations have a more human feel—advertising, color, materials and finishes.


They have much more of an architectural flavor, with materials and lighting. And the new swipe card technology is opening things up a lot."


Passenger information systems also have come a long way.


Today's transit traveller "wants real-time information, such as when is the next train coming, why is a train delayed, where are we or what is nearby," says Swanson. Current systems have features such as active passenger information displays inside the cars and external destination displays on the outside of the cars, he notes.

"You have to have high-capacity Wi-Fi and cell-phone connectivity now, which is a challenge in a tunnel system. It is not yet solved for deep tunnels," adds Swanson.


One less common innovation is automatic train operations, or driverless trains. This feature was first introduced on the London Underground's Victoria Line in 1967.


"A number of Paris Metro lines are being converted to driverless operation, and conversion of the Nuremburg system is being done by Siemens," explains Brunton.


"We have recently been working on Qatar's Doha system, [which] will come on line in 2020.


It will be driverless. Trains will run at 90-second or two-minute intervals. Honolulu will be fully automated. It's the wave of the future. It gives you much more capacity."


In the U.S., a number of cities are engaged in major transit expansion projects. "I think the U.S. transit market is very good," says Michael Cobelli, chief operating officer of Skanska USA Civil. "The four leading cities are New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Baltimore."





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