세계 2위의 초고층 빌딩 611m 꼭대기의 건설 근로자들 Builders celebrate world's second tallest building reaching its peak at 2,037ft VIDEO




세계에서 2번째로 높은 121층 빌딩 중국 '상하이 센트럴 타워' 건설현장 꼭대기

건설 근로자가 무려 611m 꼭대기에 올라 성공적인 공사를 자축하고 있다.

사진을 보는 것만해도 가슴이 떨린다.



Party at the top of the world:

Builders celebrate world's second tallest building reaching its peak at 2,037ft (so don't drop anything!)

By Damien Gayle
With a cheer, a wave and a peace sign, these construction workers are putting the finishing touches to what has been hailed a symbol of 'China's boundless future'.

Secured with safety ropes and harnesses, they sit astride the final truss on the top of what will be the world's second-tallest skyscraper.

Topped out exactly a year ago, the Shanghai Central Tower is already China's tallest tower. But its position was cemented today as the last part of its roof was secured, bringing it to its full height of 2,073ft.

Scroll down for video 

Construction workers smile and wave from the highest point of the under-construction Shanghai Central Tower

Construction workers smile and wave from the highest point of the under-construction Shanghai Central Tower, in Shanghai in China's eastern coast

With the last truss of its roof secured

With the last truss of its roof secured, the supertall building has finally risen to its planned height of 2,073ft - making it the world's second-tallest skyscraper

Workers wait to install the highest and the last truss on top of Shanghai Central Tower
Workers install last truss

Workers wait to install the highest and the last truss on top of Shanghai Central Tower. Right, a crane lifts the component - wrapped in red ribbon - into position

A wider shot shows the building

A wider shot shows the building's panoramic view of the Yangtze river the the world's most-populous city arrayed far below

Three sisters

Three sisters: (from right) The 2,073ft-tall Shanghai Central Tower, the 1,377ft-tall Jinmao Tower, and the 1,620ft-tall Shanghai World Financial Centre


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