프로야구 응원도 ‘자동화 시대’...팬봇 Fanbot Cheering robots replace real fans at Korean baseball VIDEO


Pride, passion, proxies! The creators hope the robots can lead chants by real fans too

source BBC  한화 이글스의 응원로봇 '팬봇'




한국 프로야구 한화 이글스가 “구장에 오지 못하는 팬들을 위해” 대전의 홈구장에 ‘팬봇(팬 형태의 로봇)’24기를 배치했다. 휴대전화 등으로 전송된 응원 메시지와 얼굴 사진 등을 손에 든 전광판과 얼굴 부분을 통해 표시하는 기능을 갖고 있다고 한국 언론이 전했다.


한화 측은 ‘세계 최초’라고 자랑스러워 하고 있으나 저조한 성적이 이어지고 있는 팀의 상황을 염두에 두고 “(성적 부진을 참고 있는)팬들이 부처를 뛰어넘어 로봇이 된 것이냐”, “로봇이라면 (화가 나서)건강이 상할 염려는 없겠다”며 비꼬는 댓글도 있었다.







Fanbot  Cheering robots replace real fans

at Korean baseball


A struggling Korean baseball team have invented a novel way to improve atmosphere at their matches - by bringing in a crowd of robot fans.


Hanwha Eagles supporters not able to get to the stadium can control the robot over the internet.


The bots can cheer, chant and perform a Mexican wave - but presumably not invade the pitch.


One expert said giving more fans a chance to "attend" was important for professional clubs.


This was especially the case with top football teams, Matt Cutler, editor of SportBusiness International, told the BBC.


"If you look at all the big clubs, you can't just get a season ticket - you have to sit on a waiting list.


"There is also potential monetisation. You can charge, even if it's a small amount, to give fans a different kind of viewpoint."


Football fan John Hemmingham, who runs the famous England supporters brass band, saw the funny side.


"What happens if a robotic fan misbehaves?" he joked.


"Gets aggressive, abusive, spills a drink... I can see it being fraught with danger. What if it sits in the wrong section? A robotic hooligan!"


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