현대중공업, 19.4억불 규모 해양풀랜트 'Al-Nasr FFD' 두번째 패키지 EPC 수주





현대중공업이 아랍에미리트의 19.4억불 해양플랜트를 수주했다.

아부다비 2단계 유전개발사업인 Nasr FFD(Full Field Development) 프로젝트의 두번째 패키지 EPC계약이다.


발주처는 ADMA-OPCO(Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company)이며, 가스처리 설비(12,550톤), 거주구 설비

(11,200톤), 원유분리 설비(7,900톤), Jacket & Pile(10,000톤), Bridge 및 파워 케이블 등의 공사로 이루어져 있다.


사업기간은 5년으로 2019년에 완료할 계획이다.



US-based engineering firm KBR announced that it has been chosen by Hyundai Heavy Industries to provide the designs for its Al-Nasr Full Field Development project off the coast of Abu Dhabi.


Hyundai was awarded a $1.94bn contract for the second package of the Al Nasr Full Field Development Project in offshore Abu Dhabi last month by ADMA-OPCO, which is part of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.


The five-year project, due to complete during the second half of 2019, will see the development of a super-complex offshore that will allow the company to increase production within the field from the current level of 22,000 barrels of oil per day to 65,000. Other stakeholders in the project include BP, Total and Japan Oil Company.


KBR said that it would service the project from its office in Singapore.

Stuart Bradie, KBR president and CEO, said: “KBR is excited to be working alongside HHI and ADMA-OPCO, two companies with which we have developed excellent business relationships.”

The value of the contract was not disclosed.






