무려 40가지 종류의 열매가 자라는 나무 'Magical' trees The tree that bears 40 DIFFERENT fruit:





무려 40가지 종류의 열매가 자라는 나무

'Magical' trees


이것은 조각가와 예술가가 만드는 프로젝트이다.


이 프로젝트의 모티브는 사람들이 먹는 음식들이 어떻게 만들어지는가를

사람들이 다시 한번 생각하도록 하기 위해 시작했다.


현재까지 16그루의 나무를 만들었다.


[Chip budding]
grafting technique often used for ornamental and fruit wood plants


The tree that bears 40 DIFFERENT fruit:

Magical-looking plant produces varieties of peaches, plums, apricots and cherries


Project is the work of New York-based sculptor and artist Sam Van Aken
He created plants to make people reconsider how food can be produced
They can be seen in cities across the U.S, including Santa Fe, New Mexico; Short Hills, New Jersey; Louisville, Kentucky and Pound Ridge, New York
So far 16 'magical' trees have been produced using chip grafting technique
The process involves taking a sliver off a tree, including the bud, and inserting that into a cut in the working tree


By Ellie Zolfagharifard

Incredible ‘magical’ trees that bear 40 different varieties of fruit have been popping up all over U.S.
These trees - which can simultaneously produce different varieties of peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and cherries – look ordinary throughout most of the year.

But in spring, they bloom into a stunning patchwork of colours, with each tree featuring its own unique selection of stone fruit

The Tree of 40 fruit can simultaneously produce peaches

The Tree of 40 fruit can simultaneously produce peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines almonds and cherries

The project began in 2008 when Mr Van Aken discovered that a New York state orchard, which held varieties of stone fruit 200-years-old, was to be abandoned.

In hopes of saving it, the artist bought the orchard, and soon after started experimenting with something known as ‘chip grafting.



These trees look ordinary throughout most of the year. But in spring, they bloom into a stunning patchwork of colours, with each tree featuring its own unique selection of stone fruit

The trees are the work of Syracuse University sculpture and artist Sam Van Aken who created the trees in an attempt to make people reconsider how food can be produced

The trees are the work of Syracuse University sculpture and artist Sam Van Aken who created the trees in an attempt to make people reconsider how food can be produced

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