포스코건설, 라오스 65MW급 수력발전소 짓는다 POSCO E&C Begins Construction of Nam Lik1 Hydroelectric Power Plant in Laos


라오스 수력발전소 조감도, antaranews



10% 지분참여에 설계-조달-시공 일괄 담당키로

포스코건설(사장 황태현)은 7월 9일 라오스의 수도 비엔티안에서 북쪽으로 약 90㎞ 떨어진 폰홍(Phonhong) 지역에서 남릭1(Nam Lik 1) 수력발전소 착공식을 가졌다.


이날 행사에는 수리봉 다라봉 에너지장관 등 라오스 중앙부처 관리들과 주(駐)라오스 한국대사관 관계자, 사업 컨소시엄 대표, 박시성 포스코건설 동남아사업단장 등 약 170명이 참석했다.


KTB 등 태국 금융기관과 NL1PC가 공동 투자, 추진하는 이 프로젝트는 민간 사업자에게 30년간 수익시설 운영권을 보장하는 BOT(Built Operate Transfer) 방식으로 진행된다.


NL1PC는 태국 국영에너지 업체인 PTT와 태국 수력발전회사 HEC, 라오스 전력청(EDL)이 합작 설립한 법인으로 시공업체인 포스코건설이 10%의 지분을 갖고 참여하고 있다. 포스코건설은 착공 후 39개월간 공사를 수행하게 된다.


이 사업은 포스코건설이 수력발전사업에 투자자이자 시공사로 참여한 첫 사례이며, EPC 턴키 방식으로 설계-조달-시공을 일괄 담당한다.





POSCO E&C Begins Construction of Nam Lik1

Hydroelectric Power Plant in Laos


The company's first project to participate as both investor and EPC contractor for the hydroelectric power plant in Southeast Asia

Expected to contribute greatly to supplying electric power required for the economic development of Laos

SEOUL, South Korea, July 18, 2014 (ANTARA/PRNewswire) -- POSCO Engineering & Construction (CEO: Tae-Hyun Hwang) announced on July 9 that it held a groundbreaking ceremony to build a hydroelectric power plant in the Phonhong District, 90 kilometers north of Vientiane, the capital of Laos.

This project is a product of joint investment among Krungthai Bank PCL (KTB), Export-Import Bank of Thailand, and NL1PC. It will be operated in the form of a BOT (build, operate, transfer) project for 30 years. With the capacity of 65MW, the power plant is expected to contribute to the economic development of Laos.

NL1PC is a joint venture established by Thailand's state-operated investor PTT, hydroelectric power generation company HEC (Hydro Engineering Company), Laos's state-operated EDL (Electricite du Laos), and the constructor POSCO Engineering & Construction. With a 10% stake in NL1PC, POSCO E&C will act as the prime contractor after commencement for the next 39 months.

Over 170 people attended the event that day, including Laos Vice Minister of Energy and Mines Sinnava Souphanouvong, Vientiane Governor Khammeug Thongthady, central government officials, councilors from the Korean embassy in Laos, NL1PC(Nam Lik1 Power Company) CEO Kowit Chuengsatiansup, HEC CEO Chinda Hongkajorn, and POSCO E&C Southeast Asia Business Unit Director Shi-Sung Park.

This is POSCO E&C's first instance to participate as both investor and constructor, and the company will be in charge of design, procurement and construction in the form of EPC turnkey. POSCO E&C has received good reputation from the Laotian government, clients and local partners for its transparent operating practices based on outstanding quality and ethical management in South Korea as well as overseas markets, especially Southeast Asia.

Laos is one of the countries with the biggest potential for economic growth in Southeast Asia, with particularly active business in hydroelectric power generation. POSCO E&C will use this project to further develop its technological skills in hydroelectric power in Southeast Asia. It expects that this project will be helpful for the company to win contracts for hydroelectric power generation projects in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam as well.

"We're pleased to be able to participate in the important hydroelectric power plant project of the Laotian government as the constructor," said POSCO E&C Southeast Asia Business Unit Director Shi-Sung Park. "We expect the Nam Lik1 Hydroelectric Power Plant to contribute greatly to the economic development of Laos."

Since establishing a local corporation and main office in Vietnam in 1995, POSCO E&C has expanded its scope of business to neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. The company is securing its place as a renowned constructor in Indochina based on its cost competitiveness and excellent quality acquired from many years of experience.


Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20140718/8521404099


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