퀴퀴한 세탁물 냄새 어떻게 하면 없앨까? 5 easy ways to have fresh-smelling towels






냄새 확실히 잡아줘

비용 적게 들고 환경 친화적


세탁기에서 꺼낸 수건이나 운동복에서 냄새가 나는 것을 경험한 적이 있을 것이다.

세제와 섬유 유연제를 넣었는데에도 그렇다.


이럴 땐 어떻게 해야 할까.

미국의 환경전문매체 '마더 네이처 네트워크(Mother Nature Network)'가 수건을 상큼한 향이 나게 만드는 방법 두 가지를 소개했다.


첫째는 식초를 사용한다.


증류한 흰 식초 1~2컵이나 세탁용 식초를 세탁물에 부은 뒤 세탁기에 돌리면 된다.

또한 섬유 유연제 대신 흰 식초를 넣어도 된다.


식초는 수건을 부드럽게 할 뿐만 아니라 냄새를 확실히 잡아준다.

비용도 적게 들고 환경 친화적이다.


둘째는 베이킹소다(중탄산소다)를 사용한다.


베이킹소다 반 컵을 일반 세제와 섞어 사용하면 된다.

베이킹소다는 악취의 원인과 결합해 중화시켜 냄새를 없애준다.


또한 수용성으로 물에 녹으면 때를 부드럽게 빼내는 작용을 하기도 한다.

이 밖에 세탁기 자체를 깨끗하게 청소하고 건조기보다는 밖에서 말리는 게 좋다.



5 easy ways to have fresh-smelling towels

These DIY methods will get rid of that horrible stinky towel smell.



Do you ever take a load of just-washed towels out of the dryer, only to find that they have…well…an odor, and not a pleasant one? In fact, they may smell downright musty.


It could well be that, instead of getting your towels really clean, laundering is leaving them less than fresh due to detergent and fabric softener buildup. Here are five inexpensive, green and effective antidotes.
1. Vinegar.

Pour a cup or two of distilled white vinegar or half that amount of cleaning vinegar in with the towels just prior to starting the washing machine. Alternatively, replace your commercial fabric softener with plain white vinegar. The homemaker's best friend when it comes to cleaning and freshening, vinegar will both soften and deodorize your towels…plus it's cheap and eco-friendly. A win-win-win solution!
2. Baking soda.

Add this powerful multi-purpose powder to your wash, a half cup per load if you have a top loading machine. For a front loader, sprinkle a quarter cup of baking soda liberally on the interior of your washing machine, including the gasket as well as the drum. Pay special attention to that pocket at the bottom of the gasket that never seems to get really dry. Wait at least half an hour (or overnight); then launder your towels without removing the baking soda.
3. A clean washing machine. If your washer itself is smelly, gunky and/or moldy, how can you expect it to get your towels really fresh? High efficiency washing machines, which use much less water than standard washers (good thing), are particularly susceptible to the stinky syndrome (bad thing). Handymen recommend deep cleaning your machine regularly every couple of months, including the soap dispenser, washer drum, water hose and seal. Run a "Clean" cycle if your washing machine offers one. Otherwise, set the washer to its hottest temperature, pour a cup of vinegar into the soap dispenser and let it roar. Keep the clean going by leaving the high efficiency machine door open for at least 30 minutes after finishing your wash.
4. Thorough drying.

Double check your towels when you take them out of the dryer. Make sure that they are completely bone dry and not just hot. Never fold towels that are even the slightest bit damp. Folding them up will reduce the exposed surface area and increase the chances of mustiness. By the same token, refrain from crumpling up wet, used towels into the laundry hamper or leaving a sopping towel in your tote bag after a swimming excursion – two more express tickets to the Land of Stench. And if you plan to save your towel to use for more than one shower before laundering, spread it out on a rack rather than hanging on a hook.
5. Fresh air.

The benefits of drying your laundry in the open air are more than enough to make purchasing a high-quality dual reel clothesline system, laundry basket and clothespins (green-friendly wooden ones, please) a worthwhile investment. First, you are cutting out a major portion of your household's energy consumption, reducing your carbon footprint and your electricity bills to boot. Next, you'll prolong the life of your wardrobe; the lint you see in your dryer filter is the result of abrasion of your clothes. Finally, the sun and the wind (and the occasional sprinkle of rain if you don't happen to bring in your laundry in time) will imbue those towels with a fresh outdoorsy scent so delightful you’ll want to bottle it.

Read more: http://www.mnn.com/your-home/at-home/stories/5-easy-ways-to-have-fresh-smelling-towels#ixzz37sySo0Rs

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