세계 10대 도시재생 사례 10 urban infrastructure regeneration projects




1. Embarcadero San Francisco, CA, USA - It was the irreparable damage from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake that finally forced the Embarcadero Freeway to demolition, and in 2002 it was replaced by a dynamic multi-use boulevard designed by ROMA Design Group that gave rise to a new public plaza and waterfront promenade.

Before and after, via.


2. Juan Amarillo Greenway, Bogotá, Colombia – During the 1990′s plans to build an elevated highway called the Inner Ring Expressway were scrapped in favor of Penalosa’s 45-kilometer greenway that now connects low-income neighborhoods to the downtown, and includes a mass-transit system that revolutionized bus rapid transit and carries 1.8 million people, and over 300 kilometers of bike lanes.


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10 urban infrastructure regeneration projects


Construction News


