2년간 누워있던 침몰선 '코스타 콘코르디아호', 인양된다 Two years on, Costa Concordia is raised VIDEO





2년동안 물속에 누워있던 '코스타 콘코르디아호'가 곧 인양된다.

현재 육지로 인양하기 위해 물에 부양하는 작업을 진행 중이다.


'코스타 콘코르디아호'는 2012년 1월 기글리오섬에서 암초에 좌초되어 침몰하여

 30명이 사망했으며 인도출신 웨이터의 사체는 결국 찾지 못했다.


Two years on, Costa Concordia is raised: Doomed cruise ship set to be refloated before being towed away and scrapped


The giant liner smashed into rocks off the picturesque holiday island of Giglio in January  2012 killing 32 people

Four decks of the ship will emerge from beneath the waves for the first time since the ship ran aground
Official says search will be conducted for the only unrecovered body - an Indian waiter who was never found


By Paul Donnelley and Matthew Blake
The doomed cruise ship Costa Concordia is to be refloated today in the largest maritime salvage operation in history, nearly two-and-a-half years after she ran aground off the Italian island of Giglio.

It will be the final phase of a salvage operation that will conclude with it being towed to the port of Genoa and broken up for scrap.

The 290-metre liner, which smashed into rocks off the picturesque holiday island in January  2012 with the loss of 32 lives, has for nine months been sitting deep in the water, resting on a specially-constructed platform made of steel girders and thousands of sacks of cement.
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Tragedy: The 290-metre liner, which smashed into rocks off the picturesque holiday island in January 2012 with the loss of 32 lives


Still missing

Still missing: an Italian official has promised that a search will be conducted for the only unrecovered body of the 32 Costa Concordia shipwreck victims as soon as the wrecked cruise liner is towed away from the island



Scrap: If all is well, it will be towed away from Giglio on July 21 to the port of Genoa 200 miles away and sold for scrap

But in an operation starting today, air will be pumped into the 30 giant box-like compartments that have been welded to its hull, forcing out seawater and raising the vessel by around 36ft.

Four decks of the ship will emerge from beneath the waves for the first time since the ship ran aground.


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