High-rise work: A construction worker walks on an arm of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro to inspect damage after recent storms
2014 월드컵축구가 열리고 있는 브라질 리오데자네이로의 그리스도상이 지난 1월 태풍을 동반한
벼락으로 훼손된 손가락과 두상부분의 복원작업이 최근에 완료됐다.
이 예수상은 리오데 지네이로의 티주카 삼림 국립공원 내에 있는 코르코바두 산의 정상(고도 700
미터)에 우뚝 솟아있으며 30m 높이 무게 700톤의 세계최대 규모로 브라질 예수상으로 불리운다.
당시 25만불의 비용으로 1926부터 1931년까지 5년동안 철근 콘크리트 구조로 건설되었으며 브라질인
엔지니어 에이토르 다 시우바 코스타가 조각상의 디자인을 하고 조각은 폴란드계 프랑스 조각가
폴 란도프스키가 담당했다.
2007년 7대 세계불가사의로 선정됐다.
Lord, it's a long way down! Workers repair Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer statue after its finger was damaged by lightning
Right thumb of the Christ the Redeemer statue was chipped during a violent storm last week The 100-ft statue's right middle finger and a spot on its head were also damaged in another storm last month Officials believe it will take at least four months to repair the damage but the landmark will remain open to tourists There are plans to place more lightning rods on the statue to try to prevent future damage
Repair work today begun on Rio de Janeiro's famed Christ statue after two fingers and its head were chipped during recent lightning storms.
Officials believe it will take at least four months to repair the damage after workers carried out the first up-close examination of the 125-foot (38-meter) Christ the Redeemer statue following the lightning storms.
The right thumb of the statue was chipped during a violent storm last week, and its right middle finger and a spot on its head were damaged last month.
Arm with a view: A construction worker can be seen on the arm of the famous statue which is 100ft tall
A worker looks outside from inside the head of the Christ Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro
Peek-a-boo: A repair worker examines the head of Christ Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro
Landmark: The Christ Redeemer statue stand more than 2,000 ft above Rio on the tip of Corcovado Hill
The statue was struck by lightning when a powerful electric storm swept through the city emitting more than 40,000 lightning strikes throughout the state of Rio de Janeiro
The iconic statue is the largest stone-work of Jesus ever built and stands more than 2,000 feet above Rio on top of the Corcovado Hill.
Named one of the seven new wonders of the world in 2007, the statue is made of 700 tonnes of reinforced concrete.
This is not the first time the famous landmark has been hit by lightning. It was also hit by lightning in February 2008 and had to undergo a serious restoration because the bolt damaged its head and chipped the right thumb.
Damaged: View of the damaged hand of the sculpture in Rio de Janeiro
Construction workers have to first scale the statue's platform before they can get inside to climb to the top
A group of tourists visit the famous sculpture after officials announced it will remain opened to the public while the repair work is carried out
Divine: Lightning flashes over the statue of Christ the Redeemer on top of the Corcovado hill in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on January 16, 2014
View of lightning striking Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 January 2014. The city suffered a strong storm that left neighborhoods without power and flooded streets
Awesome: Lightning flashes over the Christ the Redeemer statue on top of Corcovado Hill in Rio de Janeiro on January 14, 2014