포스코건설, '라오스 남릭1 수력발전소' 건설 투자·시공 동시 참여 POSCO E&C Commences Construction of Nam Lik Hydro Power Plant in Laos



Location map: Nam Lik Hydro Power Plant in Laos


[Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Project]







포스코건설이 라오스의 수력발전소 건설사업에 처음으로 투자자와 시공사로 참여한다.


포스코건설은 9일 라오스의 수도 비엔티엔 북쪽에서 90km 가량 떨어진 폰홍군(Phonhong District)에서 남릭1 수력발전소 착공식을 가졌다고 밝혔다.


수력발전소 사업은 태국은행 KTB, 태국수출입은행과 엔엘원피씨(NL1PC)가 공동 투자했다.


민간 투자자가 건설해 일정기간 운영하고 나서 정부에 기부하는 'BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer) 방식'으로 30년간 운영되며, 연간 발전용량 265㎾/h로 향후 라오스 경제개발에 필요한 전력공급에 크게 기여할 전망이다.




(인천=연합뉴스) 김명균 기자


POSCO E&C Commences Construction of Nam Lik Hydro

Power Plant in Laos


Posco Engineering & Construction said on July 9 that it held a groundbreaking ceremony to build a hydropower plant along the Nam Lik River in the Phonhong District, 90 kilometers north of the Lao capital Vientiane. The project is a joint outcome between Krungthai Bank PCL, Thailand's largest state-owned financial institution, the Export-Import Bank of Thailand, and the special-purpose company "NL1PC." The 265-kWh power plant will be built under a BOT (build, operate, transfer) contract for 30 years.

NL1PC is a local corporation established jointly by Thailand's PTT PCL and HEC, as well as Laos' state-run Electricite du Laos and Korea's POSCO Engineering & Construction. With a 10-percent stake in the venture, POSCO E&C will play the role of a principal contractor for the next 39 months until completion.

On the day's ceremony, 170 dignitaries including Lao Minister of Energy and Mines Soulivong Daravong, diplomats from the Korean embassies in Laos and Thailand, and high-ranking officials from companies including NL1PC, HEC, and POSCO E&C were in attendance.

Since establishing a local corporation and sales office in Vietnam in 1995, POSCO E&C has expanded its business to neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand.



황기철 @conpaper



