윔블든 로얄석이 뭐길래? 세계 유명인사들 총 출동 Wimbledon, Which celeb hogged the Wimbledon tickets the most?






조코비치와 페더러의 2014년 윔블든 테니스 결승전을 보기 위해 세계유명인사가 한자리에 앉았다.


가수 클리프 리처드경 7회로 최다

코미디언 릭키 제바이스는 일면식도 없는 테니스 선수 앤디 머레이가족과 같은 자리에 앉아

미국배우 브래들리 쿠퍼, 케이트 케임브리지 공작부인 그리고 데이비드 베컴은 로얄석을 한번 이상씩 사용

베컴부부는 빅토리아 베컴의 옷을 홍보하기 위하여 로얄석 사용했다고...

그 외에도 많은 스타들이 참석했다.


[The Royal Box]

윔블든 로얄석은 1922년이래 연예계 스타들과 그의 손님을 위해서 사용되어 왔으며

총 74석의 로얄석은 다크 그린의 'Lloyd Loom wicker' 의자로 셋팅되어 있다.

영국의 왕실과 가족들 또 외국 정부 수뇌급 등이 게스트로 초청을 받으며 경기 후 오찬을 위해 클럽하우스로 초대받는다.복장은 남자는 정장 여자는 절대 모자를 써서는 안된다.



[경제용어]윔블든 효과(Wimbledon Effect)

윔블든 테니스대회에서 영국인이 우승한 사례는 1936년 이후 전무하다.

따라서 윔블든 효과는 국내 금융시장에서 자국기업보다 외국기업의 활동이 더 활발한 현상을

의미한다. 시장 개방후 외국계 자금이 대부분을 차지하는 현상이다.




Which celeb hogged the Wimbledon tickets the most?

Revealed, the stars who just couldn't keep away from the All England Club - including some who made it into the Royal Box twice


Ever-present Cliff Richard attended seven times
A-listers like Hugh Jackman were there keen to befriend their tennis heroes
Ricky Gervais was given a seat with Andy Murray's family even though pair had never met before
Bradley Cooper, Duchess of Cambridge and David Beckham attended more than once
Victoria Beckham used seat in royal box as chance to show off a dress from her new collection

Other stars turned out to enjoyed hospitality provided by sponsors like Evian

Published: 15:06 GMT, 7 July 2014 | Updated: 07:06 GMT, 8 July 2014

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge rubbed shoulders with Hollywood royalty, Bradley Cooper couldn't keep his hands off Suki Waterhouse, Kate Beckinsale and Orlando Bloom flirted up a storm while Jude Law and Hugh Jackman chit-chatted with pals, flanked by Prince Michael of Kent, Lord Freddie Windsor and his wife, actress Sophie Winkleman.

No, this isn’t the glitzy after-party of a Hollywood premiere, but centre court at the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships 2014.

Has there ever been such a starry crowd in suburban SW19?

And how on earth has lawn tennis become such a fixture on the celebrity circuit?


June 30

June 30: Sir Cliff Richard arrives at Wimbledon to cheer on Andy Murray, who beat big-serving South African Kevin Anderson

July 1

July 1: A monochrome suit-clad Cliff arrives to watch Roger Federer take on Tommy Robredo

July 2

July 2: Third time's a charm for Sir Cliff, who arrived to watch Andy Murray play Grigor Dimitrov in the quarterfinals

July 3

July 3: He's back again - and this time he brought Cilla Black along with him to watch Simona Halep lose to Eugenie Bouchard in the women's quarter finals




July 4

July 4: Sir Cliff Richard arrives during day twelve of the Wimbledon Championships to watch Djokovic play Dimitrov in the men's semi finals

July 5

July 5: Here he is again for the women's final where Eugenie Bouchard lost to Petra Kvitova

July 6

July 6: Obviously Sir Cliff couldn't miss the big men's finals, where he watched Djokovic beat Federer from the Royal Box

June 30

June 30: Sir Trevor McDonald arrives at Wimbledon to cheer on Andy Murray, who beat big-serving South African Kevin Anderson

July 4

July 4: Former TV Journalist Sir Trevor McDonald arrives for the semi-finals on Day 11 of the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships

July 5

July 5: Sir Trevor McDonald arrives to watch the women's singles finals, where Kvitova beat Bouchard


