국제금융공사(IFC), 사우디 'ACWA Power'에 1억불 투자한다





월드뱅크의 자회사인 국제금융공사(IFC)가 사우디 글로벌 물·에너지화사인 'ACWA Power'에

1억불을 투자한다.


리야드에 있는 'ACWA Power'는 8개의 회사로 구성되어 있으며 사우디의 독자적 물·에너지

프로젝트인 IWPP의 시장 지배력을 강화하기 위하여 설립했다.


'ACWA Power'는 사우디 뿐만 아니라 중동의 주변국과 터키, 북부 아프리카, 동남아시아의

물에너지 플랜트사업에도 진출해 있다.


또한 총 9개국에 자사 플랜트 시설들 보유하고 있는데 220억달러의 투자가치를 가지고 있다.


International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, has invested $100mn into Saudi Arabian power plants operator ACWA Power through a subscription to a new share issue.


ACWA Power is a company that was set up by the Saudi government to encourage private sector investment into the Kingdom's power & water sector.


It is owned by eight Saudi conglomerates, alongside the Kingdom's Public Investment Fund and the Saudi Public Pensions Agency.


The firm has also spread beyond the Kingdom, taking stakes in power plants across the MENA region including facilities in Oman, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco and in parts of southern Africa and South East Asia.


In total, it now owns parts of plants in nine countries with a total capacity to produce 15,290MW of power and 2.4mn m3 of desalinated water per day.


The plants have a combined investment value of $22bn.

Paddy Padmanathan, president and CEO of ACWA Power, said: “We are excited by the possibilities that this partnership brings, especially having understood each other through IFC being a co-investor and lender on several assets in ACWA Power’s portfolio.


"IFC and ACWA Power are aligned in ACWA Power’s commitment to deliver electricity and/or desalinated water at the lowest possible price to support the social and economic development of emerging economies."



황기철 @conpaper


