기적의 사나이 '제이미 매닝',6주 혼수상태, 대퇴부 절단, 전신화상 22번의 수술 그의 곁에는...Six weeks in a coma, burns to 40% of his body, 22 operations
기적의 사나이 39살의 '제이미 매닝'은 자동차 충돌사고로 대퇴부가 절단되고 전신 40%의 화상으로
6주간의 혼수상태에 빠져있었으며 모두 22번의 수술을 받았다.
지난 3월 제이미 매닝의 차는 충돌 사고 후 화염에 휩싸였다.
사고는 뉴사우스웨일즈 더보에 있는 그의 집에서 3km 떨어진 곳에서 발생했는데 세아이의 아빠이기도
한 그의 옆에는 3개월동안 그의 곁을 지키고 있는 아내 카렌이 있다.
Six weeks in a coma, burns to 40% of his body, 22 operations and an amputated leg: So why does this brave father-of-three plucked from a blazing car think crash was the 'luckiest day of his life?'
Jamie Manning's car burst into flames when he crashed on March 27
Accident happened just 3km from his home in Dubbo, NSW
Was in a coma for six weeks and suffered 40 percent burns to his body
His wife Karen has been by his hospital bed for past three months
By Sarah Dean
A father-of-three who suffered burns to 40 percent of his body and spent six weeks in a coma after a horrific accident that saw his ute catch fire, says the crash was the ‘luckiest day’ of his life.
Jamie Manning, 39, has had 22 operations and counting since the crash that left him with a broken and dislocated hip, eight broken ribs and four broken vertebrae.
And his left leg and fingers on one hand have now been amputated due to the severity of his burns.
But Mr Manning – a bull-riding farmer from near Dubbo, NSW - has refused to let the crash dampen his spirits and has stunned doctors with his incredibly quick recovery.
Speaking to the MailOnline from Sydney on his first weekend out of hospital in 14 weeks, Mr Manning said: 'People say it was bad luck but my wife Karen and I both look at it as the luckiest day of my life. I could have been at the side of the road for an hour before I was found and burned to death.'
He said he is 'taking that positive out of everything' and is not the type of person to 'sit in the corner and sulk'.
The crash happened at about 6pm on March 27 during a car journey that Mr Manning used to take every day. But on that day, it changed his life and has led to an incredible survival story which has left doctors ‘amazed’.
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