교량 작업자의 실수로 발생한 교량 붕괴사고 Construction worker's blowtorch causes I-15 bridge collapse VIDEO



캘리포니아 I-15를 지나는 시공 중 교량이 작업자의 용접작업으로 인한 화재로

통근자들의 대혼란을 야기하기면서 붕괴됐다.


A bridge across the I-15 in Hesperia, California collapsed on Monday, causing chaos for commuters, after a fire was accidentally ignited by a construction worker’s blow torch.


The Southern California to Las Vegas freeway was closed just after 1:30 p.m. as a precaution, due to falling debris.


Interstate 15’s three lanes were closed in both directions after the blowtorch, affected by high winds, accidentally burned the wooden supports of the under-construction Ranchero Road overpass.


Firefighters battled the fire despite the strong winds which exacerbated the blaze, and limited access to water.

Traffic backed up 20 miles to the north and six miles to the south, and drivers had to wait until Wednesday morning for the complete reopening of both directions.


The flames were said to have spread so quickly that builders continued to work unaware that the fire had broken out beneath them. They were eventually evacuated by firefighters with no serious injuries, although one worker suffered smoke inhalation.


The majority of the fire was extinguished by Monday night, but firefighters continued to work during the night to ensure the fire was in fact fully out, and in danger of the entire wooden skeleton of the bridge collapsing beneath them, as falling debris prevented them from fighting the fire from beneath the structure.


The bridge had been under construction for a year and a half, and was being constructed at the northern foot of the 4,200-foot Cajon Pass with opening set for 2015.


It is unknown at this time how much of a delay the incident will cause.



