사람의 접근이 금지된 세계 제일의 독사들의 낙원 'Ilha de Queimada Grande' Beware snake island! VIDEO



사람의 출입이 금지된 섬 'Ilha de Queimada Grande'


브라질 상파울로 해변에서 떨어져 위치해 있는 이 섬은 'golden lancehead viper'라는 독사의 서식지이다.

세계에서 가장 맹독을 자랑하는 데 이 섬에서만 서식한다.


과거에 이 뱀에 물려 죽은 사람들 때문에 브라질 정부에서 출입을 금지시켜 놓았다.


Beware snake island!

Forbidden rock off the coast of Brazil is home to world’s deadliest serpent - and its venom MELTS human flesh

An island off the coast of Sao Paolo is home to the golden lancehead viper

It is the only place the so-called 'world's deadliest snake' is known to live
Their venom is potent enough to kill people and melt human flesh

Access to Ilha de Queimada Grande is banned by the Brazilian government

In the past humans have been killed by its deadly inhabitants


By Jonathan O'Callaghan

Fancy a trip to an island swarming with 4,000 of the world’s deadliest snakes that pluck birds out of the sky and kill them with a venom that can melt human flesh?

That’s what awaits you if you travel to Ilha de Queimada Grande 20 miles (32 km) off the coast of Sao Paolo, Brazil, which is home to the golden lancehead viper.

In fact, the island is deemed so dangerous that visiting it was been banned by the Brazilian government - although not before numerous people foolishly ventured there in the past.

Pictured is Ilha da Queimada Grande

Pictured is Ilha da Queimada Grande, an island 20 miles (32 kilometres) off the coast of Sao Paolo in Brazil. Visitors to the island are prohibited by the Brazilian government owing to the several thousand resident deadly snakes known as golden lancehead vipers, which have venom that is potent enough to melt human flesh

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사람의 출입이 금지된 섬 'Ilha de Queimada Grande'


브라질 상파울로 해변에서 떨어져 위치해 있는 이 섬은 'golden lancehead viper'라는 독사의 서식지이다.

세계에서 가장 맹독을 자랑하는 데 이 섬에서만 서식한다.


과거에 이 뱀에 물려 죽은 사람들 때문에 브라질 정부에서 출입을 금지시켜 놓았다.



Snake Island (Full Length Documentary)


Beware snake island!

Forbidden rock off the coast of Brazil is home to world’s deadliest serpent - and its venom MELTS human flesh

An island off the coast of Sao Paolo is home to the golden lancehead viper

It is the only place the so-called 'world's deadliest snake' is known to live
Their venom is potent enough to kill people and melt human flesh

Access to Ilha de Queimada Grande is banned by the Brazilian government

In the past humans have been killed by its deadly inhabitants


By Jonathan O'Callaghan

Fancy a trip to an island swarming with 4,000 of the world’s deadliest snakes that pluck birds out of the sky and kill them with a venom that can melt human flesh?

That’s what awaits you if you travel to Ilha de Queimada Grande 20 miles (32 km) off the coast of Sao Paolo, Brazil, which is home to the golden lancehead viper.

In fact, the island is deemed so dangerous that visiting it was been banned by the Brazilian government - although not before numerous people foolishly ventured there in the past.

Pictured is Ilha da Queimada Grande, an island 20 miles (32 kilometres) off the coast of Sao Paolo in Brazil. Visitors to the island are prohibited by the Brazilian government owing to the several thousand resident deadly snakes known as golden lancehead vipers, which have venom that is potent enough to melt human flesh

Pictured is Ilha da Queimada Grande, an island 20 miles (32 kilometres) off the coast of Sao Paolo in Brazil. Visitors to the island are prohibited by the Brazilian government owing to the several thousand resident deadly snakes known as golden lancehead vipers, which have venom that is potent enough to melt human flesh

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황기철 @conpaper

