볼보 트럭, 2014 칸느 광고제에서 황금사자상 수상 Cannes triumph for Volvo Trucks' media campaign



'The Epic Split' video has been watched more than 70mn times on YouTube.


스웨덴 자동차회사 볼보가 올해 칸느 광고제에 출품한 'Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split'

가 대상을 수상했다.



Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test 6) .



by James Morgan on Jul 1, 2014


Volvo Trucks’ ‘Live Test’ and ‘The Epic Split’ videos have picked up top prizes at Cannes Lions 2014.


During the past two years, the Swedish truck manufacturer has staged a number of elaborate advertising stunts in order to demonstrate innovations across its latest range of vehicles. In total, the campaign received 20 awards, including eight gold prizes and two prestigious Grand Prix accolades in the categories of cyber and film.


“It is of course especially satisfying that our Live Test campaign is praised in such a global arena and in direct competition with the largest consumer companies in the world,” commented Per Nilsson, director of public relations at Volvo Trucks


“It shows the exceptional nature of the campaign, that films about trucks – only distributed online – receive this type of recognition. We have shown that we can produce world-class communications about business-to-business products,” he added.


Winners of Cannes Lions prizes are selected by a 300-strong jury of industry experts in line with creativity demonstrated within the field of communication.


While the six videos that comprised Volvo Trucks’ Live Test campaign received industry acclaim, the manufacturer’s Epic Split feature, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, was by far the most popular offering. The short has accumulated more than 73mn views on YouTube to date.


Collectively, the videos have clocked up more than 100mn views on YouTube and have been shared almost eight million times.


There have been over 20,000 reports about the online advertisements in the worldwide media, and a Volvo survey reported that almost half of truck buyers who have seen the launch videos say that they are now more likely to choose the brand the next time they decide to purchase a truck.


For in-depth coverage of Volvo Trucks’ latest range for the MENA region, check out PMV Middle East’s launch review.




황기철 @conpaper

