"건설리스크 전문가가 모인다" 'ENR 건설리스크 연례회의' Risk & Compliance Summit,Georgia Tech Global Learning Ce





'ENR  건설리스크 연례회의'

주제 건설리스크 최소화 방안

일시 2014. 9월 30일

장소 조지아공대 글로벌러닝센터

주관 맥크로우힐사


Risk & Compliance Summit
New Liability: How to Limit the Downside


September 30, 2014
Georgia Tech Global Learning Center
Atlanta, Georgia


Construction and engineering presents an endless array of risks to be managed, averted or insured. 

Every year the risks shift slightly so that some stand out as more than others. 


ENR’s second annual Risk & Compliance Summit will focus on the most costly and unpredictable risks, the ones that are critical and must be managed.


Our top risk experts will present strategies and models for identifying and managing your company’s critical risks.



Risk & Compliance Summit





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