경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1447건
고대의 그리스에 노트북이...Is this ancient Greek statue proof someone took a laptop back in time (or is it just a TABLET?)2016.02.07
충격! 손님 끌기 위해 '양귀비 라면' 판 중국 가게 China FDA Shuts Down Chinese Restaurants For Lacing Foods with 'Opium' seasoning2016.02.06
23 Valentine’s Day Cards to Express Your Love in a Quirky Way 당신을 사랑에 빠뜨릴 수 있는 발렌타인데이 카드2016.02.04
Take a Look at This! (VIDEO) 세상은 요지경2016.02.02
미 노숙자, 신용카드 사용..."잔돈이 없어서요" 안통해 Detroit panhandler claims to be first to accept credit card donations with cellphone card reader..'(VIDEO)2016.02.01
Mr Bean, Rowan Atkinson finally completes ‘space-age petrol station’ after ten-year planning row with locals(VIDEO) '미스터 빈' 로완앳킨슨, 10년만에 그의 꿈을 이루다2016.01.29
비행기보다 자동차 운전이 더 힘들다? At 24, Ryan Louise is one of the UK's youngest commercial airline pilots..2016.01.27
At 24, Ryan Louise is one of the UK's youngest commercial airline pilots, and he secured a pilot's licence before he had even passed his driving test2016.01.27
도로 위의 무에타이? (동영상)2016.01.26
최악의 뺑소니 Dumbest shit I've ever seen(VIDEO)2016.01.26
'딸바보' 저커버그, 딸 수영 사진 '좋아요' 무려 100만 Mark Zuckerberg Takes Daughter Max for Her First Swim: ‘She Loves It!’2016.01.25
다양한 세계 각국의 출산 준비물 Pregnant women around the world reveal the 'essentials' they need when they give birth(VIDEO)2016.01.24
여자친구를 협박 뉴욕거리를 누드로 다니게 한 남자친구 체포 The woman, 22, who was allegedly forced to walk the streets of New York City naked(VIDEO)2016.01.22
대만 '유리구두' 교회의 슬픈 이야기 Taiwan builds church shaped like glass slipper(VIDEO)2016.01.18
세계 최고액..미 1등 복권 당첨금 8억불(9천6백억원) Powerball soars to $700 million, largest U.S. lottery jackpot ever2016.01.09
2015년 세계 최고의 미인은? The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2015(VIDEO)2015.12.29
폴 매카트니와 낸시의 카리브해에서의 망중한 Sir Paul McCartney, 73, enjoys a romantic stroll on the beach with his stunning bikini-clad wife Nancy Shevell, 56, during St Barts getaway(VIDEO)2015.12.29
3D 카운트다운 9gag style countdown (also oddly satisfying)2015.12.28
세상에서 제일 운 좋은 남자들 Caught On Tape The Most Luckiest Men Alive(VIDEO)2015.12.28
지구에서 가장 오래 살아있는 것 9,550-Year-Old Tree Discovered in Sweden is the World's Oldest Individual Clonal Tree(VIDEO)2015.12.26