화재 시 그물망 펼치는 재난 구조 드론 VIDEO: Self-flying DRONES could be used to save people from high-rise blazes by locking onto..

Self-flying DRONES could be used to save people from high-rise blazes by locking onto the fire's location and unfolding a safety net mid-air

Net Guard design proposes using self-flying drones to rescue people from fires 

Distress signals would alert the machines which would then pinpoint location 

Once at site of the fire they would unfold a safety net pulled tight at the centre 




화재 시 그물망 펼치는 재난 구조 드론

중국 광둥공대 전자공학과 학생들 고안

  이 드론은 화재의 장소에 안전망을 펼쳐 고층 건물에서 화재로부터 사람들을 구하기 위해 사용될 수 있다

화재구호 드론인 네트 가드 드레인(Net Guard Drain)은 일단 재난 신호가 수신되면 목표 건물로 향하면서화재의 위치를 정확히 추적하기 위해 GPS를 사용한다.

화재 현장에 도착하면, Net Gear 항공기가 그물을 펼쳐 고층 화재로부터 사람을 구할 수 있게 된다.

이 그물은 폴리우레탄 4중층 구조로 되어 있으며, 일반 성인들의 몸무게를 지탱할 수 있을 정도로 튼튼할 것이라고 설계자들은 말한다.

또 센서를 이용해 대피자를 추적해 정확한 위치를 파악할 수 있도록 했다.

이 재난구조 드론은 중국 광둥공대 전자공학과 학생 6명이 고안한 것으로 최근 골든핀 개념 디자인상을 받았다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 09:33 GMT, 4 December 2018 | UPDATED: 17:01 GMT, 4 December 2018

Self-flying drones could be used to rescue people from fires in tower blocks by unfolding into safety nets mid-air.  

Net Guard drones would use GPS to pinpoint the location of the fire once a distress signal has been received then head to the necessary building, avoiding traffic below.

Once close enough to the building, the drone would then unfold into four propeller-powered parts, a safety net pulled tight in the centre.

This net would be made from a quadruple layer of polyurethane, the designers said, and would be strong enough to then carry the weight of a regular adult.

The drone would also keep track of the evacuee using sensors, allowing it to be positioned correctly were person in need of jumping.

It was designed by six students from the Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Schools of Electronic Engineering and Art, China, and was recently awarded the Golden Pin Concept Design Award.

The group - Diao Hao-Ming, Liu Xiang, Li Hao-Hua, Zhu Nan-Tong, Li Guo-Yu, and Hu Zhen-Yuan - said in a statement: 'We came up with this concept especially for entering the Golden Pin Concept Design Award. 

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