소음 없고 친환경적인 미래의 비행기 VIDEO: A new generation of flight: Revolutionary Star-trek inspired 'ion propulsion' plane engine

A new generation of flight: Revolutionary Star-trek inspired 'ion propulsion' plane engine with no moving parts is unveiled by MIT researchers (and it actually flies)

The five metre (16ft) wingspan glider-like plane has no moving parts

An 'ionic wind' of colliding electrically charged air molecules provides the thrust

It could prove to be the future of air travel, bringing an end to the noise

Unlike other planes, it also produces no greenhouse gases or other pollutants


소음 없고 친환경적인 미래의 비행기

MIT 개발 중

차세대 비행기: 혁신적인 스타-트렉에서 영감 받은  전자 항공기 추진 시스템 '이온 추진' 비행기 엔진이 MIT 연구자들에 의해 처음으로 공개된다

4.8m 글라이더와 유사하게 생긴 이 차세대 비행기는 프로펠러, 터빈 또는 기타 움직이는 부품이 없으며 소음이 거의 없다.

대신, 전기적으로 충전된 공기 분자와 충돌하는 '전기적 바람'이 필요한 추력을 제공한다.

기존의 비행기와는 달리 온실 가스나 다른 오염 물질을 배출하지 않는다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 18:01 GMT, 21 November 2018 | UPDATED: 23:48 GMT, 21 November 2018

A revolutionary electronic aircraft propulsion system inspired by Star Trek has been tested on a working model for the first time.

The five metre (16ft) wingspan glider-like plane has no propellers, turbines or any other moving parts, and is completely silent.

Instead, an 'ionic wind' of colliding electrically charged air molecules provides the thrust needed to make it fly. 


A revolutionary electronic aircraft propulsion system inspired by Star Trek has been tested on a working 

model for the first time

It could eventually prove to be the future of air travel, bringing an end to the noise nightmare of living under a flight path or close to a major airport.

And unlike conventional planes, it also produces no greenhouse gases or other pollutants.

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