들으면 기분 좋아지는 맑은 목소리 유지법 How to Strengthen Your Singing Voice
How to Strengthen Your Singing Voice
Want to have a great voice like Christina Aguilera or Kelly Clarkson of American Idol? To be a great singer, you have to take care of your body both while singing and while resting. With practice, hard work, and changes to your lifestyle, you too can have a beautiful singing voice.
들으면 기분 좋아지는 맑은 목소리 유지법 자기 전 성대 근육 풀어주고 늘 건조하지 않은 환경 유지 중요 우리 몸에서 목소리를 내는 데 가장 중요한 기능을 하는 곳이 성대(다. 성대는 남성은 보통 1초에 120~150번, 여성은 200~250번 진동하면서 소리를 낸다. 성대는 보통 말을 많이 하거나 소리를 지를 때 피로감을 느끼고, 건조한 환경에서 성대 점막에 이상이 생기면 목소리에 변화가 온다. 따라서 자기 전 성대 근육을 풀어주고 늘 건조하지 않은 환경을 유지시켜주는 게 중요하다. 한국건강관리협회 서울서부지부 자료를 토대로 성대를 보호하는 생활습관 4가지를 알아본다. 1. 물 마시기 물은 기관지를 촉촉하게 해 목을 보호하고 세균 감염을 예방한다. 또 가래를 묽어지게 해 배출을 원활하게 해준다. 온도는 미지근하게, 양은 하루 2리터 정도로 조금씩 자주 마시면 좋다. 2. 목욕 귀가 후 욕조에 따뜻한 물을 받아 목욕을 하는 것도 좋은 습관이다. 목욕을 하며 발생하는 수증기는 기관지를 촉촉하게 해주고, 따뜻한 물에 몸을 담그는 것은 피로 회복에도 도움이 된다.
다만, 목욕 후에 욕실에 나갈 때는 물기를 완전히 닦은 후 나가고, 젖은 머리는 드라이기로 잘 말려 온도차로부터 기관지를 보호해야 한다. 3. 충분한 수면 수면이 부족하면 피로감이 느껴지는데 이는 성대 역시 마찬가지다. 이 상태에서 하루 종일 말을 하면 성대에 무리가 간다. 또 부족한 수면은 면역력을 저하시켜 기관지 등에 염증이 쉽게 생길 수 있다. 4. 가습기와 스카프 잘 때 면 손수건이나 스카프 등으로 목을 따뜻하게 해주면 혈액 순환이 활발해지면서 성대의 회복을 도울 수 있다. 또 자는 동안 성대가 촉촉하게 유지될 수 있도록 가습기를 틀거나 젖은 수건을 걸어 건조하지 않은 환경을 만드는 것도 중요하다. 권순일 기자 kstt77@kormedi.com 코메디닷컴 |
edited by kcontents
1 Maintain systemic hydration.
You probably learned when you were young that your voice comes from your voice box, also called your larynx. The larynx contains muscles called “vocal folds” that are covered by a mucous membrane. For your vocal folds to vibrate properly and produce a clear voice, you must keep the mucous membrane hydrated. Systemic hydration means maintaining healthy hydration levels throughout the tissues of the body.
Long-term hydration is far more important than short-term hydration, so chugging water the day before a performance will not help you
Drink, at minimum, 8 glasses of pure water — not tea, not soft drinks — every day.
Avoid dehydrating drink that contain alcohol and caffeine.
Drink extra water to compensate for alcohol or caffeine if you drink them.
Avoid all carbonated drinks, even uncaffeinated ones, if they give you reflux.
Image titled Strengthen Your Singing Voice Step 2
2 Practice topical hydration.
Besides keeping your tissues internally hydrated, you can also keep your vocal cords moist and healthy through external means.
Sip your 8 glasses of water throughout the day instead large amounts at once. This will ensure consistent external hydration.
Chew gum and suck on hard candies to keep our salivary glands engaged.
Swallow saliva from time to time to clean out your throat without clearing it, which is bad for your vocal cords.
Maintain a humid environment. If you live in a dry climate, you can purchase a personal steam inhaler at a pharmacy or hold a hot wet towel over your mouth and nose for a few minutes.
Image titled Strengthen Your Singing Voice Step 3
3 Rest your voice consistently.
You may love singing, but if you want to do it well, you need to take breaks from time to time. Just as athletes rest muscle groups for a day before working them out again, you need to rest the muscles that produce your voice to avoid injuring them through overwork.
If you practice or perform three days in a row, take one day off.
If you practice or perform five days in a row, take two days off.
Avoid speaking unnecessarily on a day-to-day basis if you have a rigorous singing schedule.
Image titled Strengthen Your Singing Voice Step 4
4 Don’t smoke.
Inhaling any kind of smoke, whether first or second-hand, dries out the vocal folds.[3] Smoking can also decrease saliva production, which is important for topical hydration, and increase acid reflux, which can irritate throat tissues.[4] The most important effects, though, are decreased lung capacity and function and increased coughing.
Image titled Strengthen Your Singing Voice Step 5
5 Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Your instrument is your body, so you have to take care of it. Obesity is correlated with poor breath control, which is one of the most important skills a singer must master, so keep your weight down through a healthy diet and lifestyle.[5]
Avoid dairy products that create excess mucous that causes you to clear your throat.
Avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol, both of which dehydrate the body
Eat enough protein to handle the workout your vocal muscles are wearing out through regular use.[6]
Exercise regularly, both to keep your weight down and to improve your lung capacity and breath control.