2100년 10대 세계 최대의 도시는 어디? VIDEO: Top 10 Largest Cities by 2100

Top 10 Largest Cities by 2100 

Where will the world's largest cities be by 2100 and what social, economic and infrastructure challenges will they face between now and then?

Dan Cortese

7 November 2018

Above: Lagos will be the largest city in the world by 2100


2100년 10대 세계 최대의 도시는 어디?

인구 증가와 비례

세계 최대 도시는 나이지리아의 라고스

인구만 88백만명

인도 3개도시, 주변국가 2개 도시

아프리카 5개 도시

도쿄는 10대 도시에서 빠져

10. KABUL, AFGHANISTAN 50.3 Million

9.KOLKATA, INDIA, 52.4 Million

8.DHAKAH, BAGLADESH 54.3 Million

7.NIAMEY, NIGER, 56.1 Million


5.DELHI, INDIA,57.3 Million 

4.MUMBAI, INDIA,67.2 Million 


2.KINSHASA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO,67.2 Million 83.5 67.2 Million 

1.LAGOS, NIGERIA 88.3 Million 

CITIES are home to the vast majority of the human population.

From housing and resources to infrastructure, education, trade and economic stability – these vast urban areas must sustain our lives.


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As the human population expands and as the impact that we have on our planet becomes more apparent, it is more important than ever to get our cities right. Technology, data management and the emergence of new economic and political models are all playing a part in helping address these challenges.

The 20th century saw a shift in the distribution of the world's largest cities from North America and Europe towards Asia and Africa – and our video on the 10 largest cities by 2030, based on research by the United Nations, predicted a continuation of this trend, as rural populations are drawn to new economic hubs in emerging economies.

But what do the following 70 years hold? Where will the largest cities be by 2100 and what social, economic and infrastructure challenges will they face between now and then?

World Economic Forum

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Here, we look towards the next turn of the century with powerful research from the Global Cities Institute.

Before we begin, it is important to explain that Tokyo – the world's current largest city – is nowhere to be seen on this list. For all of its technological advancements and a strong economy, Japan suffers from a low birth rate, ageing population and a policy that limits immigration.

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