화성의 초소형 주거 공간 VIDEO: The tiny house made for MARS

The tiny house made for MARS: Chinese 'living bubble' could shelter astronauts on the red planet

           A Chinese architecture firm has revealed designs for a tiny shelter that could one day house astronauts on 

           Mars. Called the MARS Case, it's a minimalist structure with a 'living bubble'


화성 초소형 주거 공간 

  중국이 디자인한 초소형 하우스 '리빙버블'은 우주 비행사들을 화성에 머물게 할 수 있다.

화성에 인간을 수용할 수 있는 간단한 구조의 프로토타입 디자인이다.

MARS 케이스라고 불리는 이 곳은 에너지, 물, 공기를 재활용하는 동시에 길이와 폭이 각각 2.3m 높이가 1,9m인 컴팩트한 자립형 주거 공간이다.

리빙 버블'은 금속 베이스에 부착되어 있어 접을 수 있고 휴대할 수 있다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Designs show prototypes of a simple structure that could house humans on Mars

Called the MARS Case, It's a compact, self-sustaining living space that recycles energy, water and air, while measuring just 7.8ft long, 7.8ft wide and 6.5ft tall

A 'living bubble' is attached to a metal base making it collapsible and portable 


PUBLISHED: 22:15 GMT, 6 November 2018 | UPDATED: 08:23 GMT, 7 November 2018

A Chinese architecture firm has revealed designs for a tiny shelter that could one day house astronauts on Mars. 


          The MARS Case was created by design firm Open Architecture in partnership with Chinese technology 

          giant Xiaomi. The structure is designed to be portable and transferable

Called the MARS Case, the designs show a minimalist structure that takes after the shape of a light bulb, with a square base and a 'living bubble' that's inflatable. 

While purely conceptual renderings, the designs could serve as a helpful foundation should humans ever colonize the red planet. 

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