중국의 치명적인 무인 폭격기 타격 영상 VIDEO: China releases dramatic propaganda video of its 'deadliest drone bomber' ...

China releases dramatic propaganda video of its 'deadliest drone bomber' that can carry 16 missiles and destroy targets from 19,600 feet high

CH-5, a mass-produced unmanned warplane, can fly 60 hours without refuelling

It can reach the altitude of 26,246 feet and has a maximum range of 6,213 miles 

Clip shows the deadly drone striking still and moving targets at live-fire drills 

It's China's equivalent to the U.S. military drone, General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper


중국의 치명적인 무인 폭격기 타격 영상


  중국은 고도 5,880m에서 미사일 16발을 싣고 목표물을 파괴할 수 있는 '치명적인  무인 폭격기'의 드라마틱한 선전 영상을 공개하고 있다.

대량 생산된 무인전투기 CH-5는 재급유 없이 60시간 비행할 수 있으며 7,873m 고도까지에 도달할 수 있고 최대 비행거리가 3,727km이나 된다.

이 영상은  치명적인 무인기가 움직이는 타겟을 타격하는 훈련 모습을 보여주고 있다 . 이것은 미국의 군용 드론과 맞먹는 성능이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 17:00 GMT, 31 October 2018 | UPDATED: 17:50 GMT, 31 October 2018

China has released a new propaganda video of its deadly unmanned fighter jet, which shows the aircraft striking still and moving targets.

CH-5, also known as Rainbow-5, was unveiled in 2016 and is said to be China's largest and most powerful drone bomber.


The aircraft can carry 16 missiles and strike targets while flying at an altitude of 6,000 metres (19,685 feet), Chinese media have claimed.

It can fly up to 60 hours without refuelling with a maximum flight altitude of 8,000 metres (26,246 feet) and a maximum range of 10,000 kilometres (6,213 miles). 

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