터키 영사관 숙소에서 카쇼기 시신 일부 발견 VIDEO: Khashoggi’s body parts found in garden of Saudi consul general’s home – sources

Khashoggi’s body parts found in garden of Saudi consul general’s home – sources

Published time: 23 Oct, 2018 12:45

Edited time: 23 Oct, 2018 13:53

Body parts belonging to murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi have been found, according to Sky News sources, who added that he had been “cut up” and his face “disfigured.”

Turkish forensic police search for evidence at the garden of the Saudi Arabia's Consul General Mohammad al-Otaibi on October 17, 2018 in Istanbul © AFP / Yasin AKGUL


터키 영사관 숙소에서 카쇼기 시신 일부 발견

시신 "잘린 채로" 얼굴 훼손

   스카이 뉴스 소식통에 따르면 살해당한 언론인 자말 카쇼기 씨의 신체 부위가 발견되었는데, 그는 시신이 "잘린 채로" 얼굴이 훼손되었다고 덧붙였다.

스카이 뉴스 출처의 주장을 뒷받침하는 사진적인 증거 없이, 카쇼기라고 불리는 신체 부위의 섬뜩하고 확인되지 않은 사진들이 아랍 매체에서 돌아다니고 있다.

이 소식통은 월요일 밤 좌익 바탄당 대표인 도이투 페린셰크의 발언을 되풀이하고 있다. 페린셰크는 카쇼기의 신체 부위는 사우디 영사의 정원에서 회수됐으며 레제프 타이립 에르도안 대통령이 화요일 이 결과를 설명할 것이라고 터키 TV에 전했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

With no photographic evidence to support the Sky News sources’ claim, gruesome and unverified images of body parts – supposedly Khashoggi’s – have been making the rounds in Arabic media.

The sources’ claim echoes a statement by Doğu Perinçek, leader of the left-wing Vatan party on Monday night. Perinçek told Turkish television that Khashoggi’s “body parts” had been recovered from a well in the Saudi consul’s garden, and added that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would explain the findings later on Tuesday.

The news comes after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded Saudi officials reveal the whereabouts of Khashoggi’s remains, after the Saudi government admitted Khashoggi had been murdered, albeit in a “fist fight” with officials inside the consulate in Istanbul.

Speaking before the Turkish parliament on Tuesday, Erdogan said that “the evidence we have so far collected indicate that Jamal Khashoggi was slain in a vicious, violent murder," planned in advance by the Saudi government.

Turkish sources have mainteined from the start that Khashoggi was tortured, killed, and dismembered inside the consulate, and claim to have audio recordings of the journalist’s final minutes alive. According to Erdogan, the individuals named by Saudi Arabia as suspects in the murder are also the same as those identified by a Turkish investigation.



