18명 죽인 크림공화국 케르치 대학 총격 사건 범인 자살..."수십명 학생들 부상" VIDEO: Kerch attack suspect identified as college student, killed himself – Crimea head

Kerch attack suspect identified as college student, killed himself – Crimea head

The suspect in the Kerch college attack has been identified as a 22-year-old student. He committed suicide after killing 18 people and injuring dozens with gunfire and a blast the head of the Republic of Crimea has said.

Suspected perpetrator of the Kerch massacre. © @FlexoUps


18명 죽인 크림공화국 케르치 대학 총격 사건 범인 자살..."수십명 학생들 부상"

테러는 아냐

현장은 아비규환 지옥이 따로 없어

22살의 범인은 이 대학 4학년 생으로 총과 폭발로 18명을 학생들을 죽이고 수십명을 부상시킨 후에 자살했다.

이에 앞서 목격자들은 복면을 쓴 여러 명의 공격자가 연루되었다고 주장했지만, 관계당국은 가능한 공범자에 대해서는 언급하지 않았다.

러시아 조사 위원회는 범인이 블라디보브 로슬랴코프인 것을 확인했으며, 처음 보도된 대로 22세가 아니라 18세였다고 말했다. 이 살인 사건은 테러 공격이라기 보다는 다발성 살인으로 본다고 덧붙였다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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“The suspected murderer shot himself,” Sergey Aksenov told the media. “He was a senior student of the same college.”

Rescuers work at the site of the terrorist attack at the Kerch Polytechnic College - video/Life/People

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The official added that the number of people killed in the attack, which is reportedly mostly made up of students, has risen to 18. Earlier, witnesses claimed there were multiple masked attackers involved, but Aksenov didn’t mention any possible accomplices.

Russia’s investigative committee has named the suspect as Vladislav Roslyakov and said he was 18, rather than 22 as first reported. It added the incident was now considered a multiple homicide rather than a terrorist attack.

This is the first major attack on Crimean soil since the region joined with Russia in 2014 following a popular referendum. With mass school shootings uncommon in Russia, the massacre has been compared to the tragic 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis and siege, in which 333 people were killed.



