인터브랜드 "삼성전자 브랜드 가치 599억달러, 글로벌 6위" Interbrand Releases 2018 Best Global Brands Report

Interbrand Releases 2018 Best Global Brands Report

NEW YORK — Interbrand announces Apple, Google, and Amazon are the three most valuable brands in its 2018 Best Global Brands report, with luxury and retail as the two dominant sectors. Now in its 19th year, the report’s 2018 theme is Activating Brave, and examines the role that brand strength plays in the bold transformation of the world’s leading businesses.


인터브랜드 "삼성전자 브랜드 가치 599억달러, 글로벌 6위"

현대자동차 차부문 6위 전체 36위

애플 6년 연속 1위

구글 2위

   삼성전자 브랜드 가치가 600억달러(약 67조7000억원) 돌파를 앞두고 있다. 

4일(현지 시각) 글로벌 브랜드 컨설팅업체 인터브랜드가 발표한 '글로벌 100대 브랜드(Best Global Brands)'에 따르면 삼성전자의 브랜드 가치는 작년(562억달러) 보다 6.5% 증가한 599억달러로 집계돼 사상 최대치를 기록했다. 순위는 작년과 동일하게 6위 자리를 지켰다. 

브랜드 가치 1위는 애플(2144억8000만달러)이 차지했다. 이어 구글(1555억600만달러)이 2위를, 아마존(1007억6400만달러)이 3위를 각각 차지했다.

인터브랜드는 △기업의 재무 성과 △고객의 제품 구매 시 브랜드가 미치는 영향 △ 브랜드 경쟁력 등을 종합 분석해 브랜드 가치를 평가했다. 


현대차, 글로벌브랜드 車6위·전체 36위… 가치 135억 달러


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인터브랜드는 삼성전자가 반도체 분야에서 확고한 1위 자리를 유지하며 고성장세를 이어가고, B2B(기업간거래) 시장에서도 브랜드 경쟁력을 이어간 점 등을 긍정적으로 평가했다.

그동안 삼성전자는 반도체 분야에서 2세대 10나노급 D램과 5세대 V낸드 세계최초 양산 등으로 기술 리더십을 확고히 하고, 차별화된 기술 개발과 시장 선도를 이어가기 위한 대규모 투자를 추진해 왔다. 혁신 기술 기반의 QLED TV, 마이크로 LED 기술이 적용된 더 월(The Wall)등도 출시했다.

2012년 9위(329억달러)였던 삼성전자 브랜드 가치 순위는 2013년 8위(396억달러), 2014년 7위(455억 달러)로 올라섰고, 2017년 일본 도요타를 제치고 6위 자리를 차지했다. 일본 도요타는 작년에 이어 올해도 동일하게 7위 자리를 지켰다.

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Just launched: Best Global Brands 2018. 

Congratulations to the Top 100! 

Download the #ActivatingBrave report to find out 

who makes the cut as the world’s most valuable brands! 

This year, the list features two new entrants and three re-entrants: Spotify at #92 (USD $5,176m), Subaru at #100 (USD $4,214m), Chanel re-enters at #23 (USD $20,005m, last on in 2009), Hennessy at #98 (USD $4,722, last on in 2009), and Nintendo at #99 (USD $4,696m, last on in 2014).

“A decade after the global financial crisis, the brands that are growing fastest are those that intuitively understand their customers and make brave iconic moves that delight and deliver in new ways,” said Charles Trevail, Global Chief Executive Officer, Interbrand.

For six consecutive years, Apple and Google hold the top positions. Apple’s brand value grew by 16 percent to USD $214,480m, and Google’s by 10 percent to USD $155,506m. Amazon achieved 56% growth and is the third brand to reach a 100-billion-dollar brand valuation (USD $100,764m), and is the top performer among 28 brands with double-digit percent growth. Following Microsoft at #4 (USD $92,715m), are Coca-Cola (USD $66,341m), Samsung (USD $59,890m), Toyota (USD $53,404m), Mercedes-Benz (USD $48,601m), and Facebook (USD $45,168m). McDonald’s (USD $43,417m) returns to round out the Top 10.


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The five Top Growing Brands include Amazon (56%), 2017 new entrant Netflix (45%), Gucci (30%), 2017 new entrant Salesforce.com (23%), and Louis Vuitton (23%). After five years as the Top Growing Brand, Facebook declines six percent.

More than half of the Best Global Brands came from five sectors: Automotive (16), Technology (13), Financial Services (12), Luxury (9), and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (9). Luxury is the new Top Growing Sector (42%), replacing Retail, which continues impressive growth at second (36%). Electronics is third (20%), Sporting Goods is fourth (13%), followed by Financial Services (10%).

The combined total value of the Top 100 crosses the two trillion-dollar threshold with USD $2,015,312m, a YOY increase of 7.7%. For the complete Top 100 ranking and the report with comprehensive analysis of growth, sector, and industry trends, visit www.bestglobalbrands.com.

Report and Methodology

The Activating Brave report analyzes how the Best Global Brands are achieving bold transformation that drives lasting economic value through brand strength. Key trends include customer-centricity, positive utility, the rise of luxury, and the success of subscription models.

Interbrand was the first company to have its brand valuation methodology certified as compliant with the requirements of ISO 10668 (requirements for monetary brand valuation) and played a key role in the development of the standard itself.

Three key pieces of analysis form the basis of Interbrand’s valuation methodology:

The financial performance of the branded products or services

The role the brand plays in purchase decisions

The brand’s competitive strength and its ability to create loyalty and, therefore, sustainable demand and profit into the future

This year Interbrand continued its partnership with Infegy for social media analysis.

* About Interbrand

At Interbrand, we believe that growth is achieved when an organization has a clear strategy and delivers exceptional customer experiences. We do both, through a combination of strategy, creativity, and technology that helps drive growth for our clients’ brands and businesses. With a network of 18 offices in 14 countries, Interbrand is a global brand consultancy, and publisher of the highly influential annual Best Global Brands and Breakthrough Brands reports, and Webby Award-winning brandchannel. Interbrand is part of The Brand Consulting Group of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC). 



