실제 크기 하이퍼 루프 동체 스페인에서 공개 VIDEO: Hyperloop passenger pod that could one day hit 760mph revealed ahead of first trials in Spain next year
Hyperloop passenger pod that could one day hit 760mph revealed ahead of first trials in Spain next year
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies unveiled its full-scale passenger-carrying pod in Spain on Tuesday
The vessel, called the 'Quintero One,' is more than 100ft long, weighs five tons and can travel up to 760mph
It will be sent an R&D center in France for additional assembly and to undergo tests on a full-size test track
The pod is built to scale and, once its interior is finished, will be able to carry between 28 and 40 passengers
실제 크기 하이퍼 루프 동체 스페인에서 공개 첨단 하이퍼루프 교통 기술이 승객이 탑승할 수 있는 실제 크기로 지난 화요일 스페인에서 공개됐다. 퀸테로 원(Quintero One)이라 불리우는 이 동체는 길이 30m가 넘으며 무게는 5톤에 시속 1,216km 속도로 달릴 수 있다. 추가 조립 제작을 위해 프랑스의 R&D 센타로 보내지게 되며 실제 크기의 트랙에서 시험주행을 하게 된다. 실제 크기 제작에 내부 설비까지 마치게 되면 하이퍼루프는 28명에서 40명을 탑승시킬 수 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 17:32 BST, 2 October 2018 | UPDATED: 20:11 BST, 2 October 2018
The world's first commercial Hyperloop could be in operation as soon as 2019, ferrying passengers at near-supersonic speeds of up to 760mph.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), one of the companies vying to make Elon Musk's vision of futuristic transport a reality, unveiled its first full-size, passenger-carrying pod in Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain on Tuesday.
Dubbed the 'Quintero One,' the massive capsule is more than 100ft long and weighs in at five tons. In a nod to Marvel Comics, HTT says the pod is built out of the firm's special 'Vibranium,' a sensor-embedded carbon fiber material.
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