올해 노벨상 수상자 10월1일 부터 발표 Getting Ready for the 2018 Nobel Prizes

Getting Ready for the 2018 Nobel Prizes

Beginning early Monday morning, Inside Science will cover the discoveries behind the three most anticipated science prizes of the year.

(Inside Science) -- It's almost time to announce the winners of the 2018 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry, and the excitement and speculation are building. On Oct. 1, Inside Science will distribute the first of several news stories about this year's science-related Nobel Prizes. We will publish stories summarizing the science of each prize soon after each announcement, followed by additional stories related to the prizes throughout the week. We've compiled all of our Nobel Prize-related coverage here.

Image credits:Abigail Malate, Staff Illustrator

Rights information:

Copyright American Institute of Physics


올해 노벨상 수상자 10월1일 부터 발표 

노벨과학상 1~3일, 5일 평화상, 8일 경제학상

노벨문학상 수상자, 1949년 이후 69년 만 미선정

  2018년도 노벨상 수상자가 10월 1일 생리·의학상을 시작으로 8일까지 차례로 발표된다. 

30일 노벨재단 미디어사이트(www.nobelprize.org)에 따르면 스웨덴 카롤린스카의대 노벨위원회는 이르면 1일 오후 6시 30분(이하 한국시간) 노벨 생리·의학상 수상자를 발표할 예정이다.

이어 스웨덴 왕립과학원 노벨위원회가 2일 오후 6시 35분 노벨물리학상 수상자를, 3일 오후 6시 45분에는 노벨화학상 수상자를 각각 발표한다. 

10월 5일 오후 6시에는 노르웨이 노벨위원회가 노벨평화상 수상자를, 8일에는 스웨덴 왕립과학원이 노벨경제학상 수상자를 발표할 예정이다.

단, 올해 노벨문학상 수상자는 1949년 이후 69년 만에 선정되지 않는다.

노벨문학상 수상자를 선정하는 스웨덴 한림원은 지난 5월 '미투'(Me Too·나도 당했다) 파문에 대한 미온적 대처로 논란에 휘말리자 "차기 노벨문학상 수상자가 발표되기 전에 한림원에 대한 대중의 신뢰를 회복하는 시간을 갖는 게 필요하다"며 올해 노벨문학상을 시상하지 않고 내년으로 연기한다고 발표한 바 있다. 

노벨상 부문별 수상자에게는 노벨상 메달과 증서, 900만 스웨덴 크로네(약 11억2천400만원)의 상금이 수여된다. 

시상식은 알프레트 노벨의 기일인 12월 10일 스웨덴 스톡홀름(생리의학·물리·화학·경제학상)과 노르웨이 오슬로(평화상)에서 열린다.


Could Donald Trump Win a Nobel Prize?


edited by kcontents

And we've already posted two related stories. In Perovski-what? Nine Nobel Prize Predictions, our staff breaks down three of the top contenders for each prize, from the discovery of the microbiome's importance to health to innovations that made it possible to stop light in its tracks and more.

We will also post additional information and multimedia about the prizes on Twitter and Facebook each day they are announced.

Here's when the prizes will be announced:

Monday, Oct. 1: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Tuesday, Oct. 2: The Nobel Prize in Physics

Wednesday, Oct. 3: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The festivities begin before dawn if you're in the U.S. You can livestream the announcements from Sweden at nobelprize.org.

In addition to recognition, the new Nobel Laureates will be awarded a Nobel medal and money. Last year, the prize was 9 million Swedish Krona ($1 million), which was split among as many as three winners for each prize. This guideline often causes controversy, since modern science is very much a collaborative endeavor that relies on the contributions of many people. The three-person-per-prize limit is particularly prominent in the case of CRISPR, which has been the subject of a patent lawsuit.

Predictions and Commentary

Inside Science staff highlighted three top contenders for each prize in this story:

Physiology or Medicine:

The Mighty Microbiome

The Cancer-Virus Hunters

Checkpoint Inhibitors


Quantum Entanglement

Perovskite Solar Cells

Slowing and Stopping Light



Lithium Ion Batteries

Click Chemistry

Another approach to predictions

When it comes to making predictions about the winners, you could use your gut, or attempt to develop objective ways to identify the most influential and award-worthy science. Clarivate Analytics takes the latter approach, analyzing academic citations to issue a list of three different discoveries that could be recognized with each prize. They call the scientists behind these discoveries "citation laureates."

For physiology or medicine, this year's list highlights developments in bioinformatics, the discovery of receptors for chemical messengers in the brain, and the discovery of a signaling molecule that regulates blood vessel growth. For physics, they highlight the observation of the spin Hall effect in semiconductors, cosmological research that has added to the understanding of galaxies and dark matter, and discoveries related to the materials science behind multiple carbon-based materials. For chemistry, they predict that the Nobel committee will recognize "contributions to catalytic reactions for organic synthesis," discoveries in structural crystallography, or discoveries related to how free radicals influence the synthesis and repair of DNA



