강력 태풍 '짜미' 일본 상륙...열도 중심부 관통할 듯 VIDEO: Typhoon Trami drenches southern Japan as it marches toward mainland
Typhoon Trami drenches southern Japan as it marches toward mainland
By Euan McKirdy and Haley Brink, CNN
Updated 0255 GMT (1055 HKT) September 30, 2018
Typhoon Trami brings heavy rainfall to Japan
Typhoon Trami brings heavy rainfall to Japan 01:06
(CNN)A powerful typhoon unleashed heavy winds and rain on southern Japan this weekend as it slowly marched northeast toward the nation's main islands Sunday morning.
Typhoon Trami is making its way towards Japan/Evening Standard
강력 태풍 '짜미' 일본 상륙...열도 중심부 관통할 듯 강력한 태풍 짜미가 일요일 아침 일본 주요 섬으로 북동쪽으로 천천히 진군하면서 이번 주말 일본 남부에 강풍과 비를 뿌렸다. 태풍 짜미는 금요일 오후 류큐 섬을 지나갔을 때의 위력은 2급 허리케인과 맞먹는 것이었다. 류큐 섬 열도는 대만 북쪽에서 일본 큐슈 섬까지 뻗어 있으며, 2만 5천 명의 미군과 그 가족들을 포함해 140만 명의 사람들이 이 열도에서 가장 큰 섬인 오키나와를 포함한다. 일본 기상청은 일요일 오후 태풍이 본토에 상륙할 가능성이 있다고 말했다. 강우량은 총 150~300mm(6~12인치)로, 국지적으로 500mm(19.6인치)를 넘을 것으로 예상됐다. 공영방송 NHK에 따르면 이번 폭풍으로 인해 일요일 비행기 운항이 중단되었으며, 명시되지 않은 수의 항공편이 중단되었다고 한다. 도쿄와 서일본 사이의 고속열차 뿐만 아니라 교토, 오사카, 고베 지역에서의 열차 운행은 NHK 일요일 일부분을 통해 중단될 예정이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Typhoon Trami was the equivalent of Category 2 hurricane when it passed over the Ryukyu Islands late Friday. The Ryukyu Island chain stretches north of Taiwan to the Japanese island of Kyushu, and includes Okinawa, the largest island in the chain, with about 1.4 million people, including around 25,000 US troops and their families.
The Japan Meteorological Agency said the typhoon could possibly make landfall on the main islands Sunday afternoon, which would make Trami the fifth typhoon to hit the country's main islands since July.
Rainfall totals of 150 to 300 millimeters (6 to 12 inches) were expected to be widespread, with localized amounts of more than 500 millimeters (19.6 inches).
The storm has disrupted air travel, with an unspecified number of flights suspended Sunday, according to public broadcaster NHK. Train service in Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe districts, as well as the bullet train between Tokyo and western Japan, will be suspended through portions of Sunday, NHK said.
오키나와에 상륙한 '짜미' Typhoon Trami cripples Okinawa, threatens Japan's main islands/Euronews
Officials said nearly 300,000 homes were without power, according to NHK.
Earlier in the typhoon season, Typhoon Jebi, the strongest storm to hit Japan's mainland in 25 years, smashed through the west of the country, killing at least 10 people and causing widespread damage through high winds and storm surges.
Trami comes at the end of a summer of disasters in Japan that included Jebi, flooding and heatwaves.
CNN's Junko Ogura in Tokyo and Mir Jalalzai in Atlanta contributed to this report.