15m 길이 흰긴수염고래 마닐라 남쪽에서 해변으로 밀려왔다. Shocking Beached Whale Installation “Washes Up” in the Philippines

Shocking Beached Whale Installation “Washes Up” in the Philippines

By Jessica Stewart on September 28, 2018

With microplastics polluting the food chain and increasing numbers of marine species facing endangerment, the world's ocean plastic issue is more urgent than ever. To push the issue, Greenpeace Philippines used art to make a bold statement about the pollution issues facing local communities. Seeking to capture the public's attention, a nearly 50-foot-long blue whale was beached just south of Manila. But, it was no ordinary whale; it was actually a massive installation created from ocean plastic.

Activist Art to Stop Plastic Pollution


15m 길이 흰긴수염고래 마닐라 남쪽에서 해변으로 밀려왔다.

하지만 그것은 평범한 고래가 아니었다

아주 작은 플라스틱이 먹이 사슬을 오염시키고 위험에 직면한 해양 서식 종류의 수가 증가함에 따라, 세계의 해양 플라스틱 문제는 그 어느 때보다도 더 시급하다. 그린피스 필리핀은 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 지역 사회가 직면하고 있는 오염 문제에 대해 기술했다. 

그린피스는 필리핀이 입법을 통해 플라스틱 오염을 해결하기 위한 조치를 취해왔지만, 현실은 필리핀이 수년간 바다에서 플라스틱 쓰레기의 세 번째로 많은 기여를 한 나라라는 것을 지적하고 있다. 

실제 해변으로 밀려온 고래들의 발견이 빈번한 바 이 이 퍼포먼스 고래의 위에는 플라스틱 가방, 플라스틱 용기, 병 그리고 바다에서 채취한 다른 쓰레기들로 가득 차 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Greenpeace notes that though the Philippines has made steps to address plastic pollution through legislation, the reality is that the country has ranked as the third highest contributor of plastic waste in the ocean for many years. Mirroring the findings of real beached whales, the sculpture's stomach is filled with a mix of plastic bags, plastic containers, bottles, and other waste collected from the ocean.

In fact, the entire replica was created from ocean plastic. The provocative piece of activist art was a call for ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) to step up and implement measures to curb plastic pollution in an effort to stop environmental degradation.

“The ASEAN region's contribution to plastic pollution in the oceans cannot be ignored and is already way beyond alarming. We are asking the ASEAN membership to take this issue with a sense of urgency and demand that our leaders initiate bold steps to address plastics pollution through regional cooperation, exacting corporate responsibility, and massive public education,” said Vince Cinches, Oceans Campaigner of Greenpeace Philippines.

As the images of the plastic beached whale went viral, Greenpeace's initiative spread far beyond Southeast Asia. The photographs are yet another reminder that we cannot afford to be complacent when it comes to demanding action to stop plastic pollution.

Greenpeace Philippines installed a 50-foot-long beached whale made entirely from ocean plastic as a commentary on the effects of pollution.

Greenpeace Whale Art Installation in the PhilippinesGreenpeace Environmental Art in the PhilippinesGreenpeace Environmental Art in the PhilippinesActivist Art to Stop Plastic PollutionGreenpeace Whale Art Installation in the PhilippinesGreenpeace: Website | Facebook | Instagram

All images via Greenpeace.


