네탄야후 이스라엘 수상, "이란, 테헤란에 비밀 핵무기 창고 가지고 있어" VIDEO: Israel's Netanyahu claims Iran has a ‘secret atomic warehouse in Tehran’

Israel's Netanyahu claims Iran has a ‘secret atomic warehouse in Tehran’

Published time: 27 Sep, 2018 17:28

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Iran has a secret “atomic warehouse” in Tehran, which has contained as much as whopping 300 tons of “nuclear-related material.”



네탄야후 이스라엘 수상, "이란, 테헤란에 비밀 핵무기 창고 가지고 있어"

  벤자민 네탄야후 이스라엘 총리는 이란이 자국내에 핵물질을 무려 300톤이나 들어 있는 비밀유통장을 갖고 있다고 주장했다.

그는 목요일 유엔 총회에서 이스라엘이 이란의 핵보유 시설을 급습했으며, 그 이후에 발표된 문제에 대한 보고서를 언급했다고 말했다. 네탄야후는 계속해서 새로운 정보를 공개했다.

"내가 하려는 말은 전에 전에 전혀 언급된 바 없다. 나는 이란이 테헤란에 또 다른 비밀시설을 가지고 있다는 것을 처음으로 공개하고 있다"

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Speaking at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, he said that  Israel conducted a raid on Iran's "nuclear atomic archive" and referred to the report on the matter that was subsequently released. Netanyahu went on to reveal a new piece of information.

What I am about to say has not been shared publicly before...I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran.

Netanyahu showed a photo of the "innocent looking compound" in Tehran, while naming the street that it is located on.

via youtube

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Israeli leader claimed that that the Iranians have been trying to vacate the warehouse after Tel Aviv’s raid on the “archive” and urged nations with satellite capabilities to keep close eye on the location, as such activity might grow after his statement.

Since we raided the atomic archive, they've been busy cleaning out the atomic warehouse. Just last month they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it? They took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence.

Netanyahu slammed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for not taking any action following Israel's report on the "secret archive."



