Research: Second Ejaculation in 3 Hours Produces Stronger & Faster Sperm
Published 5 hours ago on September 21, 2018
By Pui Fun
Couples who are trying to conceive have to take note of several optimal conditions to ensure that they have the highest possible chance of getting the baby they are hoping for. Now, there is new research that shows that the period between each ‘sexy time’ could very possibly affect the success rates if you are looking to conceive.
"남성 금욕 기간 짧을수록 정자 질 좋아진다"
中 연구팀, 난임부부 500쌍 분석
남성의 금욕 기간이 짧을수록 정자의 질(質)이 좋아진다는 내용의 연구결과가 나왔다.
중국 셍징병원 연구팀이 실시한 선행 연구에 따르면, 남성이 며칠간 금욕한 뒤 사정(射精)한 정자보다 한 번 사정하고 세 시간 뒤 다시 사정했을 때 정자의 활동성이 좋았다. 연구팀은 병원의 불임클리닉을 찾은 부부 500쌍을 대상으로 연구했다. 참가자들을 남성의 금욕 기간에 따라 가장 최근 사정한 때가 세 시간 이내인 그룹과 그렇지 않은 그룹으로 나눴다.
이들에게서 채취한 정자를 이용해 체외 수정을 진행했는데, 금욕 기간이 짧았던 남성의 정자가 임신 성공률이 30% 정도 높은 것으로 나타났다. 연구팀은 정자의 질 때문에 이러한 결과가 나왔다고 분석했다. 연구 대상자들의 정액과 정자를 봤더니, 금욕 기간이 세 시간 미만인 사람의 정자 활동성이 높았고, 정액 속엔 난자와 결합하는데 필요한 성분들이 더 많은 것으로 나타났다.
반면, 금욕 기간이 상대적으로 길었던 남성의 정자는 활성산소에 노출돼 DNA가 손상될 위험이 컸다. 연구팀은 "임신 성공률을 높이려면 남성이 일정 기간 동안 금욕해야 한다는 인식이 있었는데, 연구를 통해 사실이 아니라는 게 밝혀졌다"며 "임신을 계획 중인 부부라면 배란기 때 여러 번 임신 시도를 하는 게 도움이 될 것"이라고 말했다. 한희준 헬스조선 기자
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This recent study was carried out by Dr Da Li and Dr XiuXia Wang, who are clinician-researchers at the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Shengjing Hospital in Shenyang in northeast China, and they published their findings in the journal Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
They studied almost 500 couples to find out whether the length of time in between attempts of couples trying to conceive would affect the success rates. Conventional wisdom had always been telling men that to improve their sperm’s quality, they would have to limit their sexual activity so that their partners had higher chances of getting pregnant.
However, there were some other studies that had different results as they said that if a man ejaculates for the second time within three hours, they had faster and more motile sperm compared to ejaculating again after several days. The doctors decided to base their study on this finding to discover the reason why these changes affected fertility. After comparing the volume and mobility of the semen samples between men who had abstained from ejaculating for several days and those who waited for one or two hours, they concluded that sperm from shorter abstinence periods moved faster.
In other words, if you want a higher chance of having babies, do it again within three hours! Source: Men’s Health To see whether this would affect fertility, they tested 500 couples who were preparing for in vitro fertilisation at the fertility clinic. They tried implanting the embryos with both types of sample semen and Li said, “A typical live birth rate in a cohort of this size is about 30 per cent but in the experimental cohort, live births were higher by one-third.” “Our data indicate that couples with relatively normal semen parameters should have frequent sex around the ovulation period. This could make all the difference to their efforts to start a family,” he added, according to Science Daily. Source: Indeks Online So, what exactly is the reason behind this? The research team said that based on their findings, the protein make-up of the sperm could be affected and this was a function needed by the sperm so that they can fuse with the egg cells. Some of the proteins handle reactive oxygen species and having too much can damage the sperm’s genetic material. Li explained this by saying, “The longer sperm exists, the more vulnerable they are to DNA damage by reactive oxygen, which could harm their ability to form a viable embryo.” Guess it’s “fresher”! Now you know what steps you should (or should not) take when you are ‘getting it on’ with your partner!
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