시리아, 이스라엘 공격 중 실수로 러시아 군용기 격추시켜 VIDEO: US says Syria accidentally shot down Russian plane during Israeli attack

US says Syria accidentally shot down Russian plane during Israeli attack

RUSSIA says one of its surveillance aircraft has “disappeared from radar” during a missile attack on northern Syria.

A RUSSIAN surveillance plane with 14 people on board that ‘disappeared from radar’ is believed to have been accidentally shot down by Syrian regime forces who were under attack from Israeli missiles.



시리아, 이스라엘 공격 중 실수로 러시아 군용기 격추시켜 

  러시아는 북부 시리아에서 미사일 공격 중 감시 비행기 중 하나인 14명 탑승 정찰기가 "레이더에서 사라졌다"라고 말했다.

항공기 추락에 대한 책임이 누구인지에 대해 아직 엇갈린 보도가 있지만, 시리아가 이스라엘 미사일 공격을 받은 후 시리아 대공포에 의해 우발적으로 격추되었다고 미국은 주장하고 있다.

CNN은 '이 사건에 대한 정보는 미국 관료가 준 것'이라고 인용해 말했다.

시리아는 러시아 항공기 추락이 애초에 미사일 공격을 감행한 이스라엘에 있다고 비난했다.

러시아 국방부가 발표한 간략한 성명에서 14명의 승무원을 태운 IL-20 정찰기가, 항구도시 라타키아에서 '레이더에서 사라졌다고'말하고 있다.

이 비행기는 시리아 해안에서 약 35킬로미터 떨어진 지중해 상공이었다고 러시아 타스 통신은 국방부의 말을 인용 보도했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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There are conflicting reports as to who is responsible for the downing of the aircraft, however the US claims it was accidentally shot down by the Syrian regime’s anti-aircraft artillery after the Syrians came under fire by Israeli missiles.

CNN cites a ‘US official with knowledge of the incident’.

Syria has blamed Israel for the disappearance of the Russian aircraft - for launching a missile strike in the first place.

A brief statement from the Russian Ministry of Defence says the missing aircraft, described as an IL-20 surveillance aircraft carrying 14 crew, ‘disappeared from radar’ during the attack on Syrian and Iranian regime forces in the port city of Latakia.

The plane was over the Mediterranean Sea about 35 km from the Syrian coastline, Russia’s TASS news agency quoted the ministry.

The fate of the 14 people on board the missing plane is unknown, and a rescue operation has been organised out of the Hmeymim base, the ministry said.

Syria is yet to confirm or deny its involvement in the aircraft’s disappearance.


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Russia has stated that its radar detected missile launches coming from the French frigate Auvergne at the same time four Israeli F-16s attacked Syrian targets.

“The French army denies any involvement in this attack,” a French army spokesman said.

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