美, 24일부터 2000억달러 중국산 제품에 10% 추가 관세 부과 VIDEO: Trump Tariffs to Hit $200 Billion of China Goods on Sept. 24

Trump Tariffs to Hit $200 Billion of China Goods on Sept. 24

By Andrew Mayeda  and Jenny Leonard

2018년 9월 18일

U.S. to impose 10% duty on Sept. 24, rising to 25% next year

President to pursue $267 billion more if China retaliates

The Trump administration will slap a 10 percent tariff on about $200 billion in Chinese goods next week and more than double the rate in 2019, setting up what could be a prolonged trade war between the world’s two biggest economies.

If Beijing retaliates against U.S. farmers and industry -- as it’s vowed -- the U.S. will immediately pursue further tariffs on about $267 billion of Chinese imports, President Donald Trump said in a statement Monday evening, repeating a threat he made earlier this month.

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美, 24일부터 2000억달러 중국산 제품에 10% 추가 관세 부과

보복 조치 강행 시 또다시 2,670억달러 추가 보복 관세

  미국 정부가 오는 24일(현지 시각)부터 2000억달러(약 224조원)어치 중국산 제품에 10%의 추가 관세를 부과하기로 했다. 또한 중국이 보복 조치를 강행하면 2670억달러어치 중국산 제품에 추가 보복 관세를 물리겠다고 경고했다. 

도널드 트럼프 미 대통령과 미 무역대표부(USTR)는 17일 저녁 증시 폐장 후 성명을 내고 이 같이 밝혔다. 이번 관세 부과 대상 품목에는 가전, 가구, 스포츠용품, 의료품, 식료품 등 소비자에게 밀접한 영향을 주는 소비재가 대거 포함됐다. 지금까지는 주로 산업계가 관세 인상에 따른 가격 인상 압박을 받았으나, 이번 조치로 미국 내 일반 소비자도 중국산 제품 가격 인상에 따른 압박을 강하게 받을 것으로 전망된다. 

미국은 이들 제품에 대한 관세율을 오는 24일부터 10%씩 적용하다가 연말 혹은 내년 초부터 25%로 올릴 예정이다.

트럼프 대통령은 성명서에서 "중국이 만약 미국 산업·농업계를 향해 보복 조치를 내놓으면 우리는 즉시 3단계 조치를 이행하겠다"며 "약 2670억달러어치의 수입품에 추가 관세를 매길 것"이라고 했다. 

트럼프 행정부의 이번 2000억달러 대중 관세 부과는 미·중 고위급 무역 협상 재개를 앞두고 나왔다. 스티븐 므누신 미 재무장관과 류허(劉鶴) 중국 경제담당 부총리는 오는 27~28일 미 워싱턴 DC에서 무역 협상을 가질 예정이었다. 그러나 트럼프 행정부가 관세 부과를 강행하면 중국이 무역 협상을 중단하겠다고 밝힌 만큼 양측 갈등이 더 고조될 것으로 전망된다. 

미국과 중국은 지난 7월 상대국 제품 340억달러어치에 각각 25% 관세를 부과하며 무역 전쟁을 시작했다. 이후 추가로 160억달러어치 제품에 대해 관세 부과를 주고받는 등 현재 양측이 상대국 제품에 25% 관세를 부과하는 규모는 총 500억달러로 늘었다.

남민우 기자 조선일보

edited by kcontents

The administration is giving American businesses a chance to adjust and look for alternative supply chains by delaying an increase of the tariff to 25 percent on Jan. 1 for the $200 billion batch of Chinese goods, according to two senior administration officials who briefed reporters on Monday. The 10 percent tariff will take effect on Sept. 24.

“For months, we have urged China to change these unfair practices, and give fair and reciprocal treatment to American companies,” Trump said. “We have been very clear about the type of changes that need to be made, and we have given China every opportunity to treat us more fairly. But, so far, China has been unwilling to change its practices.”

Smart Watches, Playpens

Smart watches and Bluetooth devices were removed from the tariff list, along with bicycle helmets, high chairs, children’s car seats, playpens and certain industrial chemicals. They were among 300 tariff lines scrubbed from the preliminary target list released in July, according to one of the officials. No items were added, the officials said.

Trump continues to ratchet up pressure on Beijing to change its trade practices even as he floats the idea of talks. Business leaders are warning the high-stakes strategy could upend their supply chains and raise costs, as economists worry Trump’s tactics could derail the broadest global upswing in years.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, retailers, agricultural groups and some members of Trump’s own Republican party have spoken out against his tariff campaign. It’s also divided his advisers between China hawks like U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, a former Wall Street banker who is seeking a trade deal.

“It appears that the administration responded to some industry concerns, but for many American businesses and consumers this still represents a rapid acceleration of costs and much higher uncertainty,” said Rufus Yerxa, president of the National Foreign Trade Council. “Business hates uncertainty. They’d rather have an imperfect trading relationship than this much chaos.”

Satoshi Nakamoto Blog

edited by kcontents

Beijing has already said it would retaliate against the $200 billion round of tariffs by imposing duties on $60 billion of U.S. goods ranging from liquefied natural gas to aircraft.

The decision throws into doubt efforts to reach a diplomatic breakthrough in the conflict. China would reject new trade talks if Trump moved ahead with the next round of tariffs on Chinese products, two people familiar with the matter said earlier on Monday.



