BMW 무인 오토바이 VIDEO: The motorcycle that drives ITSELF: BMW unveils a video of an autonomous bike..

The motorcycle that drives ITSELF: BMW unveils a video of an autonomous bike leaning into corners and braking to showcase an AI it hopes will prevent accidents for riders

The bike is powered by intelligent software that can accelerate, lean around corners, brake and park

BMW hopes the AI can one day keep bikers safe by operating as an autonomous driving assistant 

Automaker is developing an AI that automatically brakes and adjusts the steering during dangerous situations


PUBLISHED: 18:20 BST, 13 September 2018 | UPDATED: 06:05 BST, 14 September 2018

BMW has revealed a self-driving motorcycle that can speed around a racetrack and even park itself without anyone sat on top.

The vehicle is powered by intelligent software that can turn, accelerate, lean around corners and brake with no human input.

BMW hopes the AI can one day keep bikers safe by operating as a driving assistant that automatically brakes or adjusts the steering during dangerous situations on the road.


