한국과는 차원이 다른 놀라운 미 허리케인 플로렌스 3D 예보 VIDEO: Weather girl shows terrifying 3D hurricane simulation

Weather girl shows terrifying 3D hurricane simulation

AN EXTRAORDINARY 3D simulation of the destructive Hurricane Florence has viewers terrified.

Rhian Deutrom

This satellite image provided by NOAA shows Hurricane Florence off the eastern coast of the United States on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018. NOAA via AP


한국과는 차원이 다른 놀라운 미 허리케인 플로렌스 3D 예보 

허리케인 플로렌스는 현재 파괴적인 위력의 바람과 생명을 위협하며 홍수에 대비하고 있는 북부와 사우스 캐롤라이나에 접근하고 있다.

한 기상 관측소는 3D 시뮬레이션을 통해 시청자들에게 허리케인 플로렌스의 영향이 얼마나 끔찍할 수 있는지를 보여주고 있다.

스튜디오는 기상 리포터 에리카 나바로가 연출한 프레젠테이션을 사용하여 허리케인 플로렌스에서 발생한 "최악의 시나리오"를 묘사했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


edited by kcontents


HURRICANE Florence is currently approaching North and South Carolina, with residents bracing for destructive winds and life-threatening flash flooding.

But if you weren’t taking it seriously before now, one weather outlet has gone above and beyond to show viewers just how horrifying the impact of Hurricane Florence could be.

The Weather Channel has used augmented reality and its recently developed immersive studio to air an extraordinary 3D simulation of a progressive storm surge — or flash flooding — scenario.

The studio used the entire broadcasting room and a choreographed presentation by weather reporter Erika Navarro to project a depiction of the “worst case scenario” arising from Hurricane Florence.

Just a normal weather girl, nothing to see here (except for the extreme weather warnings, please take note of those) Picture: Weather Channel

Just a normal weather girl, nothing to see here (except for the extreme weather warnings, please take note of those) Picture: Weather ChannelSource:Supplied

Like all natural disasters, most people spend a lot of their time tuned into the local news channels for weather updates and safety warnings.

Erika begins her forecast by explaining that Hurricane Florence is a “large and extremely destructive hurricane” and warning that extreme flash flooding is a real threat along parts of the US coastline.

She uses a typical map graphic which has been superimposed on to the green screen behind her.

Roving to different parts of the country, Erika issues wind and rainfall forecasts for each area.

Everything is normal, until about 45 seconds in, when things take an intense turn.

“This is just what it looks like on the map,” Erika says.

“We can show you what this could look like if you were to find yourself in this scenario.”

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