어마어마한 무슬림 하지 성전 순례 VIDEO: Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, explained for non-Muslims

Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, explained for non-Muslims

It’s like Burning Man, but for Muslims. Okay, it’s nothing like Burning Man.

By Jennifer Williams@jenn_ruthjennifer@vox.com  Updated Aug 20, 2018, 12:50pm EDT

At this moment in mid-August, 1.5 million people from dozens of countries around the world are in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to perform the hajj, the Islamic religious pilgrimage.

It’s a huge event — in terms of both its significance in Islam and the massive logistical challenge of having that many people from all walks of life and every corner of the globe descend on one relatively small place all at once.

Muslim pilgrims on hajj perform the final walk (Tawaf al-Wadaa) around the Kaaba at the Grand Mosque in the Saudi holy city of Mecca on November 30, 2009. MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images


사우디로 모이는 200만 무슬림

이슬람 최대 종교행사인 성지순례 ‘하지’가 19일(현지시간) 사우디아라비아 메카 대사원에서 시작됐다. 하지는 이슬람 신앙의 다섯 기둥인 샤하다(신앙고백), 살라트(기도), 소움(금식), 자카트(헌금) 중 가장 중요한 행사로 꼽히는 만큼 닷새간 200만 명의 사람들이 사우디를 방문할 예정이다. 최근 비영리 연구전문매체 더컨버세이션은 하지가 사우디아라비아에 미치는 경제적 영향을 분석했다.


* 하지 Hajj
이슬람교에서 말하는 성지 메카 순례를 뜻하는 말로 '이슬람의 다섯 기둥(Arkan al-Islam)' 중 5번째 의무이다. 
메카는 무하마드가 태어난 곳을 말하며 이슬람교도의 5가지 의무는 ①Shahada(신조 암송) ②Salat(하루 5회기도)③Sakat(구제) ④Saum(라마단금식) ⑤Hajj(성지순례) 이다.
하지는 이슬람 역의 마지막달인 '순례의 달(이슬람력 12월)' 7일부터 12일까지 진행되며, 사우디 아라비아의 서부 연안에 있는 성지 메카의 '카바' 신전 등을 순례한다. 하지가 끝날 때까지 머리나 손톱은 절대 깎지 않는다.
[네이버 지식백과] 
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But what actually goes on at the hajj? What is its religious and political significance? How do they handle all those people? And what is inside that big black box?

We've got you covered: Here are the most basic answers to the most basic questions about the hajj.


What is the hajj?

The hajj — Arabic for “pilgrimage” — is a five-day religious pilgrimage to Mecca and nearby holy sites in Saudi Arabia that all Muslims who are physically and financially able must perform at least once in their lives. It is one of the five pillars, or duties, of Islam, along with the profession of faith in the one God and Mohammed as his prophet, prayer, charitable giving, and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.


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The hajj takes place only once a year, in the 12th and final month of the Islamic lunar calendar; pilgrimages to Mecca made at other times in the year are encouraged but do not count as the hajj. Because the Islamic lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the 365 days of the standard Gregorian calendar, the timing of the hajj moves backward each year.

Over the five days of the hajj, pilgrims perform a series of rituals meant to symbolize their unity with other believers and to pay tribute to God. On the last three days of the hajj, pilgrims — as well as all other Muslims around the world — celebrate Eid al-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice. This is one of the two major religious holidays Muslims celebrate every year. (The other is Eid al-Fitr, which comes at the end of Ramadan.)

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