OSHA의 실리카 더스트 위험 교육 동영상 VIDEO: 7 Short Videos To Help Train Your Construction Crews on Silica Dust Hazards
7 Short Videos To Help Train Your Construction Crews on Silica Dust Hazards
August 20, 2018 Shane Hedmond
It’s been almost a full year since OSHA’s more stringent regulations regarded respirable crystalline silica dust officially became enforceable. Even though the topic has been a staple in news outlets since before and after September 23, 2017 (the official enforcement date), there is still plenty of confusion across the industry.
photo by MTA Capital Construction Mega Projects, CC BY 2.0
실리카 더스트 위험 교육 동영상 실리카 더스트의 위해성에 대해 여러 건설 업계의 소송과 직접 연결된 질문과 답변이 포함된 FAQ 미국 노동성 산하의 직업안전 위생국(OSHA)와 ERG 제작 고농도의 산화규소(실리카)에 노출되면 규폐증의 위험성이 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
To help contractors comply with the new regulations, OSHA has recently announced a few new resources to be used for training. Among them are a customizable PowerPoint Presentation (pdf download link), an FAQ page, and several short videos. Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) reported that the FAQ page, which contains 53 frequently asked questions and their answers, was directly linked to a lawsuit filed by several construction industry groups, including ABC.
The videos are a combination of one OSHA produced overview video and several others that were produced by ERG and are specific to a task or piece of equipment. You will find each of those videos embedded below. More information can be found on OSHA’s Silica for Construction home page.
Protecting Workers from Silica Hazards in the Workplace Video
Handheld Power Saws (any blade diameter)
Masonry Table Saw
Handheld and Stand-Mounted Drills
Handheld Grinders for Mortar Removal (e.g., tuckpointing)
Handheld grinders for uses other than mortar removal