카운트다운: 역사상 최근접 태양 탐사에 나서는 나사의 파커 탐사선 VIDEO: The countdown begins: NASA's Parker Solar Probe will blast off tomorrow on historic mission to touch the SUN

The countdown begins: NASA's Parker Solar Probe will blast off tomorrow on historic mission to touch the SUN, when it will become the fastest human made object to ever fly, at a record-breaking 430,000 miles per hour


NASA's $1.5 billion Parker Probe will blast off atop a Delta IV rocket from Cape Canaveral on morning of Aug 11

Will eventually hit record-breaking speeds of 430,000 miles per hour, and will completes 24 orbits of the sun

The launch window opens at 3:33 a.m. (EDT) on August 11 and closes on August 23, according to NASA

Using a series of gravity assists from Venus, the probe will get just 3.8 million miles away from sun’s surface

This will put Parker probe well within the sun’s corona, or outer atmosphere - closer than any craft has come


카운트다운: 역사상 최근접 태양 탐사에 나서는 나사의 파커 탐사선

델타 4 로켓을 장착한 무려 15억불 짜리 우주선이다.

파커 탐사선은 현지시간 11일 플로리다 케이프 커내버럴에서 발사되며

역사상 최고 속도인 43만 마일 즉 시간당 68.8만km의 속도로 비행한다.

탐사선은 금성의 중력을 이용해 태양 표면에서 불과 380만 마일 떨어진 곳에 위치하게 되며

역대 최근접 태양의 코로나 혹은 바깥의 대기권 안으로 잘 들어가게 될 것이다.

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황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 19:54 BST, 10 August 2018 | UPDATED: 23:25 BST, 10 August 2018

In the early hours of Saturday morning, NASA will send a spacecraft on a mission to fly where no probe has ever gone before – into the sun’s scorching outer atmosphere.

The $1.5 billion Parker Probe will blast off atop one of the most powerful rockets in the world, eventually hitting record-breaking speeds of up to 430,000 miles per hour as it completes 24 orbits of the sun over the course of seven years.

During this time, the craft will swing around Venus seven times, using the planet’s gravity to push it closer and closer to our star with each pass; eventually, the Parker probe will get within 3.8 million miles of the sun’s surface.

It will be subjected to temperatures of roughly 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit when it comes closer to the sun than any spacecraft in history – but, behind its thick heat shield, it will only feel like a hot summer day, with this sheltered region maxing out at about 85 degrees.

The launch window at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida opens at 3:33 a.m. (EDT) on August 11, and will remain open for 65 minutes. As of now, NASA says everything is on track for launch, with weather so far still at 70 percent favorable.

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