은퇴 후 노후를 편하게 보낼 수 있는 여덟 나라들 The 8 Best Countries To Move To For Retirement
The 8 Best Countries To Move To For Retirement
Retiring abroad in a different country where you worked and lived is gaining popularity. According to the Social Security Administration more than half a million people living outside the U.S., receive Social Security benefits. If you’re considering relocating abroad, you should research your options. Fortunately, International Living’s Global Retirement Index, lists the best countries to seek retirement. Below you will find eight of the best countries to retire, listed in the order of their ranking. Even if you do not live in the United States, these countries are some of the best countries where your money will go furthest! Consider retirement in these countries to extend your quality of life once you get older. Starting with Costa Rica below:
1. Costa Rica
Mild climate, stunning landscapes, and pristine beaches draw retirees to Costa Rica. The country readily welcomes expats and offers a simple residency process. With a monthly income of at least $1,000 per month from Social Security or a similar source, expats enjoy a high standard of living at a fraction of U.S. costs.
은퇴 후 노후를 편하게 보낼 수 있는 여덟 나라들
중남미 코스타리카
온화한 기후, 아름다운 풍경, 그리고 깨끗한 해변은 은퇴자들에 인기가 높이 나라다.
외국인들을 적극적으로 환영하고 간단한 거주 절차도 제안해준다.
사회 보장 또는 다른 이유로 최소한 월 1,000달러 수입이 있으며
미국 비용의 일부로 매우 높은 수준의 삶을 즐기고 있다.
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