축구경기장만한 크기의 거대한 나사 우주 담요의 용도는 VIDEO: Enormous 'Nasa space blanket' the size of a FOOTBALL pitch could protect festival-goers from the sun at this year's Burning Man

Enormous 'Nasa space blanket' the size of a FOOTBALL pitch could protect festival-goers from the sun at this year's Burning Man

A Russian entrepreneur is behind the scheme to make the huge blanket

It will be built from the same material pioneered by Nasa for its space missions

It is good for temperature regulation as it reflects around 97 per cent of all heat

The giant blanket will be used to create shade and as a cool seating area

When finished it will measure 300 feet x 300 feet in size, made up of around 3,000 individual pieces and held together with 25 miles of reinforced tape

축구경기장만한 크기의 거대한 나사 우주 담요의 용도는 

올해 네바다의 버닝맨 축제에서 자외선을 차단하기 위해 설치됐다.

한 러시아 기업가가 아이디어를 냈는데

이 담요는 나사에서 우주 임무 수행 시 사용되는 재질과 동일하다.

모든 열의 97%을 반사시키므로 온도 조절이 가능해

행사에서 그늘의 역할을 하고 주변을 시원하게 유지해준다.

90mx 90m 크기의 우주담요는 약 3천개의 조각으로 만들어져 있으며

연결 테이프만 35km나 된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator



PUBLISHED: 12:19 BST, 1 August 2018 | UPDATED: 14:30 BST, 1 August 2018

A Russian entrepreneur is hoping to re-purpose Nasa space blankets to create a shady area for festival-goers to relax during the Burning man festival in Nevada.


Alexander Shtanuk has kickstarted a crowdfunding campaign to fund his project, which aims to transform discarded reflective material into an enormous 300 feet x 300 feet (100 metres x 100 metres) billowing display.

When finished, the space blanket will be around the size of a football pitch, and will be used to create shade and protect from gusts of wind during the music festival.

Entrepreneur Shtanuk hopes to generate £13,335 ($17,500) to take the big blanket to Burning Man, which runs from August 26 to September 4 2018.

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