미 플로리다 고속도로 주행 중 상부 표지판과 충돌한 트럭 VIDEO: Dump Truck with Raised Bed Gets Obliterated by Overhead Highway Sign
VIDEO: Dump Truck with Raised Bed Gets Obliterated by Overhead Highway Sign
July 31, 2018 Shane Hedmond
If you’re a general contractor in the Davie, Florida area, I have an idea why one of your deliveries might have been late last week.
미 플로리다 고속도로 주행 중 상부 표지판과 충돌한 트럭
플로리다 I-595 국도 상을 지나던 한 운전자는 매우 드라마틱한 장면을 포착했다.
적재함이 들린 채 주행 중인 트럭이 공중에 가로로 설치된 매달린 도로 표지판에
충돌한 것이다.
물론 트럭 적재함의 유압시스템 고장 때문이었다.
다행히도 이 사고로 도로표지판은 도로 위에 떨어지지 않았고
트럭 운전기사 등 아무도 다친 사람은 없었다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
A driver on I-595 in Florida caught some pretty dramatic footage of a dump truck, with its bed raised all the way up, crashing into an overhead highway sign while going full speed. The overhead sign took a little bit of a hit, but, as you’ll see in the video, the truck got absolutely rocked.
WSVN News in Miami reported that the Florida Highway Patrol determined that the cause of the accident was a malfunction of the truck’s hydraulics system. The surrounding portion of the highway was shut down after the accident to clean up the mess and make sure the sign wasn’t going to fall, causing some major delays during morning rush hour.
Thankfully, no one was injured in the accident.
Special thanks to Alex Barthet from The Lien Zone for sending this video to us.