중국 빌딩에 설치된 세계 최대의 인공폭포 VIDEO: China claims world’s biggest man-made waterfall — but 350-foot cascade costs US$117 per hour to ru

China claims world’s biggest man-made waterfall — but 350-foot cascade costs US$117 per hour to run

Stunning architectural feature opens in southern city of Guiyang, but high running costs raise questions

PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 25 July, 2018, 11:04pm

UPDATED : Thursday, 26 July, 2018, 4:09pm

Zhuang Pinghui

A province in southern China known for its stunning natural beauty can now also boast the world’s largest man-made waterfall – but it doesn’t come cheap.

Flowing 108 metres (350 feet) down the glass exterior of the Liebian International Building in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou province, the waterfall is about 3 metres longer than the previous record holder at the Solar City Tower in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Zhuang Pinghui/South China Morning Post

중국 빌딩에 설치된 세계 최대의 인공폭포 

   중국의 한 빌딩에 세계 최대의 인공폭포가 만들어져 눈길을 끌고 있다.   


홍콩 사우스차이나모닝포스트(SCMP) 등 현지 매체에 따르면 중국 구이저우(貴州)성의 성도인 구이양시의 례벤 인터내셔널 빌딩 유리 외벽 한가운데에 인공폭포가 만들어졌다.     


높이 121m 빌딩 가운데에 건설된 이 폭포는 지상 108m 지점에서부터 거대 물줄기를 쏟아낸다. 지금까지 세계 최대 인공폭포였던 브라질 리우데자네이루 솔라 시티 타워의 인공폭포보다 3m 더 길다.  

현지 유명 부동산 기업이 관광객 유치를 목적으로 세운 이 빌딩에는 사무실, 상가, 고급 호텔 등이 자리하고 있다.  

멀리서 보면 마치 빌딩이 물을 토해내는 듯한 모습처럼 보인다. 


인공폭포의 물은 지하에서부터 끌어 올린다. 지하에 설치된 초대형 펌프 4대를 이용해 상층부까지 물을 끌어올린 뒤 낙하하는 방식이다.  

떨어진 물은 다시 지하 저장 탱크로 보내져 정화 후 재사용한다.   


하지만 인공 폭포를 가동하는데 드는 전기 요금이 시간당 800위안(약 13만원)에 달한다. 

빌딩 측도 비싼 전기요금을 고려해 특별한 행사 때만 인공폭포를 가동한다.   


가장 최근에는 지난 22일 구이양 국제 마라톤 대회 때 가동됐다.   


이를 두고 중국 국민의 반응이 엇갈린다. 일각에선 "이 인공폭포가 물과 전기를 소비하는 만큼 가치가 있는지 의문"이라 말하지만, 또 다른 편에선 "도시 랜드마크로 관광객 유치에 도움이 될 것" "더운 여름철 냉각 효과가 있을 것"이라는 반응이 엇갈린다.   


Built by Ludi Industry Group, the feature uses recycled water from basement storage tanks, which is pushed to the top of the 121-metre-high building by four giant pumps before re-emerging as a cascade from a massive opening on one side.

Once fully occupied, the multi-purpose building will comprise offices, shops and a luxury hotel, company director Cheng Xiaomao said, though the latter has to be completed.


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The idea for the waterfall came from company president Zhou Songtao, who said he wanted to promote the city’s green image.

“Guiyang is a city of mountains, and with many trees, just like a forest. He wanted to create a feeling of water and greenery, even when you are surrounded by skyscrapers,” Cheng said.

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Although the waterfall was completed about two years ago, it has only been turned on six times, with the latest occasion being for half an hour on Sunday to mark the Guiyang International Marathon.

Nevertheless, people had already begun to consider the building a local landmark and were using it as a place to go for a walk or to socialise, Cheng said.

Once fully occupied, the multi-purpose building will comprise offices, shops and a luxury hotel. Photo: Imaginechina

One of the reasons the waterfall does not appear more often is the operating cost. While the water comes free, the price of powering the pumps is about 800 yuan (US$117) an hour, Cheng said.

While some internet users questioned whether the extravagant design was a waste of money, others were full of compliments.

“The scene is very impressive. You seldom see a waterfall in a city,” said a woman in a video published on the Pear Video website this week.

“It looks very soothing on a hot summer day. The idea is very creative,” said another.

One social media user was undecided, however.

“A price must be paid for an artificial spectacle, especially a large one like this. Whether it’s a waste of money or worth more than the 800 yuan an hour is for the company to calculate.”



