라오스서 댐 붕괴, 6개 마을 홍수…"수백명 사망·실종" VIDEO: Laos dam collapse: ‘hundreds missing’ after villages flooded
Laos dam collapse: ‘hundreds missing’ after villages flooded
Several people confirmed dead and thousands homeless in San Sai district of Attapeu province
Hannah Ellis-Petersen South-east Asia correspondent
Tue 24 Jul 2018 09.38 BST
Hundreds of people are missing after a hydroelectric dam broke in southern Laos, the state news has reported.
Five billion cubic metres of water swept through the surrounding countryside after the accident at the Xepian-Xe Nam Noy hydropower dam, which is still under construction.
Laos dam collapse/NDTV.com
라오스서 댐 붕괴, 6개 마을 홍수…"수백명 사망·실종"
SK건설 시공 보조 댐 붕괴
SK건설이 라오스에서 시공 중인 대형 수력발전댐의 보조댐이 붕괴해 주민 다수가 숨지고 수백 명이 실종하는 사고가 발생했다. 24일 라오스통신(KPL)에 따르면 전날 오후 8시께(현지시간) 라오스 남동부 아타프 주에 있는 세피안-세남노이 수력발전댐의 보조댐이 무너져 인근 6개 마을로 50억 ㎥의 물이 아래 6개 마을로 한꺼번에 쏟아졌다.
피해 지역 라오스 주민들이 보트로 긴급히 대피했다.
[라오스통신 제공] photo@yna.co.kr 연합뉴스
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
The dam collapsed at 8pm on Monday. The neighbouring villages of Yai Thae, Hinlad, Mai, Thasengchan, Tha Hin, and Samong bore the brunt of flooding, which has reportedly destroyed thousands of homes.
Officials brought in boats to try to evacuate victims who were left stranded by the water. Aerial footage of the area shows the whole region under muddy water, with only roofs and the tops of trees visible.
Several people have been confirmed dead, and more than 6,600 made homeless, the official news agency KPL reported.
Villagers stranded on the roof of a house. Photograph: ABC/EPA
The prime minister, Thongloun Sisoulith, called on government organisations, the police and the military to assist in the emergency relief effort in the south-eastern province of Attapeu.
The hydropower dam project, which is estimated to be worth about $1bn (£760m), is being built by Xe Pien-Xe Namnoy Power Company and is a joint venture between several South Korean and Laos companies. Construction began in 2013 and was due for completion by the end of this year, with plans to start operations in 2019.
Daily Mail
edited by kcontents
The objective was to make the dam a lucrative source of income for Laos, a poverty-stricken country, by exporting 90% of the energy to neighbouring Thailand
Environmental campaigners have repeatedly raised concerns about plans by the government in Laos to build vast dams across the Mekong river and turn the country into a hydroelectricity hub; 11 large hydropower dams on the Mekong’s mainstream, and 120 tributary dams, are planned over the next 20 years.