노예왕국 북한, 260만 노동자 동원 세계 최대의 현대판 노예제도 운용 N. Korea declared ‘modern slavery’ capital of world

N. Korea declared ‘modern slavery’ capital of world

N. Korea declared ‘modern slavery’ capital of world 2.6 million people are forced into labor, global watchdog group says in annual report

By Jessica Schladebeck | New York Daily News

NEW YORK — With some 2.6 million forced laborers, North Korea leads the world in modern day slavery, according to estimates in a new report.

One in 10 people lives under modern slavery in the secretive nation, with the “vast majority being forced to work by the state,” according to the 2018 Global Index Survey. Eritrea and Burundi, which come in second and third on the list respectively, similarly have high rates of government-imposed labor.

World Economic Forum

노예왕국 북한, 260만 노동자 동원 세계 최대의 현대판 노예제도 운용

북한이 260만명의 노동자를 강제 동원해 세계 최대의 현대화된 노예제를 

운용하고 있다고 글로벌 감시 단체가 연례 보고서를 통해 밝혔다.

2018년 글로벌 지수 조사에 따르면 10명 중 1명이 잘 알려지지 않은 나라에서 

현대식 노예 생활을 하고 있으며 '국가에 의해 강제로 일하고 있다' 밝혔다.

각각 2위와 3위를 차지하고 있는 에리트레아와 부룬디도 마찬가지로 정부가 

강제 고용한 노동력 비율이 매우 높다.

트럼프, 북한인권법’ 오는 2022년까지 연장에 서명


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

“The presence of state-imposed forced labor undermines at best, and at worst renders meaningless, any government response to modern slavery,” according to the report, which notes North Korea has shown the weakest response both at home and abroad.

The report, published annually by the Walk Free Foundation since 2013, says modern slavery includes human trafficking, forced labor, forced or servile marriage and the sale and exploitation of children in addition to slavery itself.

Based on 71,000 interviews in 48 countries, the report estimated 40.3 million men, women and children were victims of modern slavery on “any given day in 2016.” Among them, nearly 25 million were forced into labor, while another 15 million were living in a forced marriage.

The Walk Free team this year joined with Leiden Asia Centre in the Netherlands and the Seoul, South Korea-based Database Center for North Korea Human Rights to collect data on the country, according to the Washington Post. Researchers were able to sit down with 50 North Korea defectors, all but one of whom said they were subjected to forced labor.

Researchers also concluded that the 10 countries that topped list of modern slavery “indicates a connection between modern slavery and highly repressive regimes. The Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Mauritania and South Sudan are also on the list, with Pakistan, Cambodia and Iran rounding out the top 10.

And while the study warns “the prevalence of modern day slavery in highly-developed, high-income countries is higher than previously understood,” the United States has also traditionally been among nations “taking the most action to respond.”

A group of North Korean farm labourers work on a field in the country's northwestern region. Photo: SCMP Pictures. 

edited by kcontents

The Global Index Survey comes a month after President Donald Trump joined North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore for the first-ever summit between the two countries. Following the sit-down, Trump praised the North Korean dictator, despite repeated and ongoing allegations suggesting the country brutalizes and starves its own citizens.

“He’s got a great personality. He’s a funny guy, he’s very smart, he’s a great negotiator,” Trump said in June. “He loves his people, and I’m not surprised by that.”

Asked whether he had a message to relay to the people of North Korea, he responded: “I think you have somebody that has a great feeling for them. He wants to do right by them, and we got along really well. We had a great chemistry.”

Tribune News Service



