ENR 2018 Top 225 International Design Firms 2018년 ENR 글로벌 설계회사 225개사 순위
ENR 2018 Top 225 Global Design Firms
The Top 225 International Design Firms list, published annually in July, ranks the 225 largest world designs firms, both publicly and privately held, based on design-specific export revenue--generated from projects outside each firm's respective home country.
July 2018
The global market for design firms has been weak for the past four years. Now, as the market has begun to struggle back, a new level of uncertainty has hit the industry from nationalist and populist movements in many major markets and the looming threat of a trade war. The uncertainty in the market can be seen in the results of ENR’s Top 225 International Design Firms survey. The Top 225 firms generated $64.59 billion in design revenue in 2017 from projects outside their home countries, up just 0.7% from $64.11 billion in 2016. This comes after fi ve straight years of declining revenue for the Top 225. Further, the Top 225 had $79.47 billion in revenue from domestic projects in 2017, up a paltry 0.2% from $79.30 billion in 2016.
Companies are ranked according to revenue for design services performed in 2017 in $ millions (*). Those with subsidiaries are indicated by (†). For information on subsidiaries and where each firm worked outside of the U.S., see www.enr. com. **Firms not ranked last year. Some markets may not add up to 100% due to omission of “other” miscellaneous market category and rounding. NA-Not available.
Key to type of firm A-architect; E-engineer; EC-engineer-contractor; AE-architect-engineer; EA-engineer-architect; ENV-environmental; GE-geotechnical engineer; L-landscape architect; P-planner; O-other. Other combinations possible. Firms classified themselves.
2018년 ENR 글로벌 설계회사 225개사 순위
(국내 뿐 아니라 해외 매출 포함)
1위는 미 제이콥사 차지
5위 내에 미국 캐나다 회사가 각각 2개씩 차지
10위 내에는 미국회사 3개 캐나다 회사가 3개 네덜란드 회사 2개
호주 1개사 UAE 1개사가 이름을 올렸다.
현대엔지니어링, 한국전력기술, 삼성엔지니어링, 도화, SK건설,
삼우,건화, 유신, 선진, 평화, 한국종합기술, 희림 등 총 12개사
설계분야 해외매출 순위 225 순위에 이름을 올렸으며 도화는
석유화학플랜트를 제외하고 건설엔지니어링사 최초로 80위를 기록했다.
(엔지니어링데일리 자료 참조)
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