3D 프린팅 하우스의 혁신? VIDEO: The future of building? Watch the French 'builderbot' that 3D printed a family home for five in just 54 hours
The future of building? Watch the French 'builderbot' that 3D printed a family home for five in just 54 hours
A team of experts in France constructed the first 3D printed house to serve as a residence for a family of five
They built the 1,022-square-foot house using a novel BatiPrint 3D printing process which can construct walls
In all, it only took two days and six hours to build the home, but they believe it can be done in just 33 hours
The process is environmentally friendly and at $207,000 (£176,000), costs 20% less than traditional methods
3D 프린팅 하우스의 혁신?
5인 가족 하우스 건립에 단 54시간 소요
프랑스 3D 프린팅 하우스 건설팀이 5인 가족용 주택을 처음으로 건설했다.
겨우 이틀하고도 6시간 걸려
그러나 이 팀은 33시간 내에 완성시킬 수 있다고 단언하고 있다.
환경 친화적이며 건립비용은 일반 주택 보다 20%가 저렴한 20만 7천불이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
PUBLISHED: 23:52 BST, 10 July 2018 | UPDATED: 10:19 BST, 11 July 2018
A team of researchers, scientists and engineers from France have created a 3D printed house in just a matter of hours.
For the first time ever, the four-bedroom house will serve as a permanent home for a family of five.
The 1,022-square-foot house, located in the northwestern French city of Nantes, only took about two days - or 54 hours - to complete.
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