미군의 트랜스포머 바퀴 달린 X-비히클 VIDEO: The US Military 'X-vehicle' with transformer wheels that can convert from tires to tank tracks at the flick of a switch

The US Military 'X-vehicle' with transformer wheels that can convert from tires to tank tracks at the flick of a switch

Secretive X-Vehicle project is designed to protect troops

Radical wheels that can convert from tires to tank tracks at the push of a button

Crew will use augmented reality to see out of the vehicle 

미군의 트랜스포머 바퀴 달린 X-비히클

버튼 하나 누르면 타이어에서 궤도로 궤도에서 타이어로 변신할 수 있다.

탑승 군인들은 차량에서 밖을 내다보기 위해 증강현실(AR)을 사용한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 20:11 BST, 25 June 2018 | UPDATED: 20:22 BST, 25 June 2018

The US Military has revealed a look at a radical new 'ultra survivable' future combat vehicle.

The secretive DARPA X-Vehicle project is designed to protect troops, and allow them to go almost anywhere.

It features radical wheels that can convert from tires to tank tracks at the push of a button. 



